Vakcode: ide314
Vaknaam: Consumer behaviour

Het betreft een Course
TUD studiepunten: 2
ECTS studiepunten: 3

Faculteit der Industrial Design Engineering
Docent(en): Oppedijk van Veen, Prof. dr. W.M./ Schoormans, Dr. J.P.L.

Tel.: 015-2783074

Consumer behaviour,decision models, product choice,new products,product
evaluation, product preference,personal characteristics, product characteristics, situational characteristics.

Cursusjaar: 3
Blok: 5
Coll.uren p/w: 4
Andere uren: none
Toetsvorm: written
Tentamenperiode: 4 / 6
(zie jaarindeling IO)

Voorkennis: Marketing (ide212)
Wordt vervolgd door: Consumer Research 1 (IDE414), Consumer Research 2 (IDE415)
Uitgebreide beschrijving van het onderwerp:
  • Introduction: consumer & market information support in new product development.
  • Product testing methods: market mechanism, causes of success and failure
  • Product definition: products as symbols, product adoption life-cycle.
  • Evaluation of alternative products: evaluative criteria, measurement
  • Attitude theory: beliefs, attitudes and intentions, Fishbein model, compensatory and non-compensatory models, measurement and prediction
  • Howard consumer decision model: product life-cycle, product category
  • CDM components: information (F), Brand recognition (B), confidence (C), attitude (A), intention (I), purchase (P).
  • Extensive, limited and routine problem solving: psychological foundation
  • Psychological concepts: product hierarchy, categorisation, motivation, information processing behavior.
  • Socio-cultural aspects: culture/subculture, social class, reference groups and family
College materiaal:
  • Reader:"Consumentengedrag".
  • Book: Howard J.A.; Consumer behavior in marketing strategy,Prentice Hall,1989
  • In 1994-1995: Howard J.A.; Buyer behavior in marketing strategy (2nd ed.),1994
Referenties vanuit de literatuur:
Opmerkingen (Specifieke informatie over tentaminering, toelatingseisen, etc.):
The written examination consists of a limited number (5 to 7) essay questions
Knowledge of the purchase and product choice of consumers, as far as that behaviour affects the development of new products.
Computer gebruik:
no use of computers
no laboratory projects
Ontwerp component:
The supportive role of consumer and market information to new-product development decisions is continously emphazised.
Percentage ontwerponderwijs: 25%