last modified 14/01/2005

Course code:  wb5422-03

Course name: Industrial Assembly

ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of  Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Tichem, M., Buiting-Csikós, mw. ir. Cs.

Tel.:  015-27 81603

Catalog data: assembly process, assembly systems, design of assembly systems, Design For Assembly, micro-assembly

Course year: MSc 1st year

Period: 2A

Hours p/w: 4

Other hours: laboratory project, cases/exercises, company visit, self study.

Assessment: written examination, participation in laboratory project, cases and company visit

Assessm.period(s): 3rd  

(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: wb5420-03

Follow up: n.o.a.

Detailed description of topics:

  1. Characteristics of assembly in different segments;

  2. Development model for assembly systems;

  3. Assembly process models;

  4. Design For Assembly;

  5. Poka Yoke;               

  6. Assembly systems: concepts, automation, outsourcing, structures and components;

  7. Micro-assembly: basics, main methods;

  8. Micro-assembly: micro-factories, micro-feeding, micro-gripping, self-adjustment, batch-assembly and packaging.

Course material:

Reader for sale at the start of the course. Printout of used overhead slides.

References from literature:

Industrial Assembly, S.Y. Nof et al, Chapman & Hall, London, 1997, ISBN 0-412-55770-3

Remarks (specific information about assessment, entry requirements, etc.):

A written examination will assess the individual knowledge level. Next, assessment will be based on participation in obligatory laboratory project, cases and company visit.


Gaining knowledge and skills in industrial assembly, in order to be able to (guide the) development and implementation of assembly systems.

Prepare students for participation in research.

Computer use:

Laboratory project(s):

Programming of an assembly system.

Design content:

Design of assembly processes and systems, (re)design of a product and processes from the viewpoint of optimal assembly.

Percentage of design: 70%