last modified 17/02/2003

Coursecode: wb4421
Coursename: Gas Turbine Simulation & Application

ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Visser, ir.W.P.J.; Buijtenen, J.P. van,

Tel.: 015-27 82179

Catalog data:
Gas turbine, performance calculation, part load performance, simulation, compressor, gaspad analysis, condition monitoring.
Aircraft engines, maintenance, high temperature materials, various applications, case-studies.

Course year: MSc 1st year
Period: 2A / 2B
Hours per week: 2
Other hours: 0
Assesment: Individual assignment
Assessm. period:
(see academic calandar)

Prerequisites: wb1224, wb4304, wb4420 (wb) of wb4280 (lr)

Follow up: -

Detailed description of topics:

The course consists of two parts: one part is about off-design behaviour of gas turbines (with simulation-practicum with GSP) and a part application.
Part 1:

Performance characteristics of gas turbine components, procedures and computer programs for the calculation of the static and dynamic part load behaviour of gas turbines, the effect of ambient conditions on performance. Operating envelope, flow phenomena in compressors: stall, surge, choking. Performance monitoring: trend analysis, the use of parameter estimation techniques in case only limited data are available.
Part 2:
In part 2 the student is expected to carry out an assignment with GSP, consisting of the analysis and the generation of solutions for a  practical example of the behaviour of a gas turbine under deviating operational conditions, as component wear, a different fuel , application of water- of steam injection. A report has to be written, and discussed with the lecturers. A grade will be determined during the evaluation.

Course material:
C.J.Houtman, Gasturbines B (reader)

References from literature:
Cohen, H., Rogers, G.F.C., Saravannamuttoo, H.I.H., Gas Turbine Theory, 4th ed., Longman, London, 1996. ISBN 0-582-23632-0

Remarks (Assessment, entry requirements, etc):

Learning goals:
The first part is to create and enhance insight in the available methods to determine design and off-design performance of gas turbines and in limiting factors.

The second part focusses on practical experience with the analysis of practical problems with the application, operation and maintenance of gas turbines.

Computer use:

Simulation code GSP (Gas turbine Simulation Program)


Simulation practicum with GSP (Gas turbine Simulation Program)

Design content:
Design aspects of the gas turbine in relation to the behaviour of the gas turbine and its applications.

Percentage of design: 25%