A full professor of Production Engineering and Organisation
The chair of Production Engineering and Organisation contributes to the education on the following areas:
The section of Production Engineering and Organisation has a laboratory and a computer infrastructure where theoretical and experimental research is done on, among other topics, production processes and design and development of production systems.
The Faculty is looking for a top-scientist, interested to initiate research that is both scientific relevant and of interest to industry.
Information may be obtained from Prof.ir. J. Klein Woud, Chairman of the selection committee. A more detailed profile for the chair is available at request (phone: +31 15 2783051). E-mail: J.KleinWoud@wbmt.tudelft.nl.
A part-time professor in Project Engineering and Management
The vacant chair is an externally funded part-time function (0.3 fte).
The new professor will give an essential contribution to the mechanical engineering curriculum of the Laboratory of Process Equipment.
The professor will present the major part of the lectures in the course "project engineering and management". In this course all relevant aspects of project engineering and management of small and large scale process installations have to be covered beginning with the start of the development
of the project up to the plant start up. In consultation with his colleagues he will also take responsibility for the guidance of some students making their Master thesis at the Laboratory.
In addition he will stimulate and where possible initiate research in the field of efficiency improvement and cost reduction of plant design and construction. He will be responsible for acquiring funds from Research Councils and industry in order to make this type of research attainable.
The new professor will also stimulate co-operation with other departments of the faculty and other faculties of the university and he will stimulate co-operation with national and international institutions doing similar research.
The salary, which will depend on knowledge and experience, will be in accordance with state regulations governing (professorial) professional salary scales. Immediate inclusion in the pension scheme.
Information may be obtained from Prof. ir. J. Klein Woud, Chairman of the selection committee. A more detailed profile for the chair is available on request. (phone: +31.152785401/ +31.152783051). E-mail: J.KleinWoud@wbmt.tudelft.nl.
Please send your written application together with a detailed curriculum vitae and a list of publications, within 30 days to: Delft University of Technology, attn. Prof.ir. J. Klein Woud, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, the Netherlands.