Vakcode: wb5419
Vaknaam: International Networked Engineering and Design

Het betreft een projectcollege
TUD studiepunten: 4
ECTS studiepunten: 6

Subfaculteit der Werktuigbouwkunde en Maritieme Techniek
Docent(en): der Werff, Prof.dr.J.H.T.H.Andriessen (WTM), Prof. Dr. Kenneth David (Michigan State University), Prof.dr. Jack Lloyd (Michigan State University), Gastdocenten

Tel.: 015-2785729

Trefwoorden: internationally networked design teams
Gloobal emerging technology scans, improve boundary spanning capabilities, groepsontwerpopdracht.

Cursusjaar: 3,4
1 of 4
Coll.uren p/w:
Andere uren:
(zie jaarindeling)

Voorkennis: Algemene WB-kennis van de eerste 2.5 jaar
Wordt vervolgd door: nvt
Uitgebreide beschrijving van het onderwerp:

INTEND is an international consortium of universities and industry partners whose principal aim is to conduct research on how to improve the performance of geographically distributed teams of engineers. This web site provides a summary of the organization and activities of INTEND.

The goal of the INTEND project is to systematically study the factors that influence the performance of distributed engineering teams, including those that impact upon the outputs of the group and those that influence their cooperation and communication processes. We further seek to provide an international and cross-cultural experience for both engineering students and industry professionals in order to enrich their education and better prepare them for the types of problems they will encounter in the increasingly global economy.

INTEND provides a means by which international teams of engineers can be formed to work on real problems, for the purpose of enabling systematic research on how to improve the effectiveness and social cohesion of such distributed teams. We focus upon multinational, multicultural, and multifunctional teams and attempt to minimize problems associated with extreme geographic dispersion, large scale time zone differences, and complex, multidisciplinary engineering design problems. Our initial set of investigations is exploring how emerging but widely available group coordination technologies can be best used to support distributed teams of engineers. Additionally, we are exploring how training in the area of group problem solving techniques and cross cultural communication can aid group performance and social cohesion.

College materiaal:
wordt uitgereikt, colleges Michigan State University via internet
Referenties vanuit de literatuur:
Opmerkingen (Specifieke informatie over tentaminering, toelatingseisen, etc.):
Zo mogelijk wordt tweemaal per jaar een aantal projecten opgestart, waarvoor per project vier studenten kunnen deelnemen. De deelname is beperkt en selectie zal plaats vinden op basis van gemotiveerdheid
To improve boundary-spanning capabilities, that is, social cohesion and effective trans-cultural communications competence of internationally networked design teams. The technical content is aimed at getting more experience in engineering design by doing.
Computer gebruik:
PC met internetverbinfing en speciale communicatiehard en software
het onderwijs wordt gegeven in projectvorm
Ontwerp component:
Het project is volledig gericht op het ontwerpen c.q. het vooronderzoek voor het ontwerpproces
Percentage ontwerponderwijs: 50-100%