Coursecode: mt214p
Coursename: Exercise marine engineering 1

DUT creditpoints: 1
ECTS creditpoints: 2

Faculty of Design, Engineering and Production
Lecturer(s): Niet, ing. H. de, Woudstra, ir. J.B. Tel.: +31 15 278 5542
Catalog data:
Diesel engine: brake mean effective pressure, mean indicated pressure, specific fuel and air consumption, indicated and brake power, heat balance.
Electrical drives: self induction, cosinusphi, direct current motor, asynchronous wound cage motor.
Course year: 2
Period: 0/0/0/x
Hours p/w: -
Other hours:
4 afternoons
Assessment: report
(see academic calendar)
Prerequisites: mt214
Follow up:
Detailed description of topics:
Three hours instruction as a preparation for the exercises with the diesel engine and one afternoon for measurements. Measurement on a diesel engine: efficiencies, powers, (specific) fuel and air consumption, heat balance.
As a preparation for the electrical measurements some questions about theory have to be answered. Measurements take two afternoons. Measurements on a self induction, direct current motor, asynchronous wound cage motor. The exercises are an obligatory part for course mt214.
Course material: exercise manual
References from literature:
Remarks (specific information about assessment, entry requirements, etc.):
Written report on measurements, datamanipulition and results.
Understanding diesel engine and electrical motor characteristics, understanding measurement and data acquisition techniques.
Computer use:
Data acquisition and data manipulation
Laboratory project(s):
This course is a laboratory project.
Design content:
Percentage of design: 0%