Coursecode: mtp04

Coursename: Lifting of Heavy Loads

DUT creditpoints: 3

ECTS creditpoints: 4.5

Subfaculty of  Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): ir. J.H. Vink

Tel.:  015-278 5923

Catalog data:

CAD, Design, Stability, Strength, Construction, Production, Presentation

Course year:




Hours per week:


Other hours:






(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites: Content of 1st year semesters 1 .. 4

Follow up: 2nd year courses

Detailed description of topics:

The concept of this project is to integrate as many as possible of the subjects dealt with in the first year’s curriculum.

The sub-tasks of this project have been designed with the central theme of Floating Constructions for Lifting of Heavy Loads and comprise of following main components:

1.       Familiarization with CAD software package xEagle and exercises applied to the FDB-model to be designed,

2.       Design, engineering, manufacturing and testing of a model of a floating derrick barge (FDB),

3.       Exercises in relation to an eXisting Heavy Lift Ship (XHLS) as regards use, production and structural design & strength,

4.       Poster presentation of project results.

Course material: Manual for Project 4: Lifting of Heavy Loads

References from literature: none

Remarks assesment, entry requirements, etc.): Poster presentation at end of project 4, followed by a discussion

Learning goals: To be able to:

1.       apply the 3D CAD drawing software xEagle for making simple drawings.

2.       synthesize previously gained knowledge to design a model of a FDB.

3.       apply previously gained knowledge and skills as regards design, stability, strength, structural design and production to construct the model-FDB out of steelplate.

4.       verify by testing in a water basin if the performance of the FDB-model meets the requiremets as spcified and tallies with the predicted behaviour.

5.       find out which parties will be involved in the exploitation and production of the XHLS.

6.       determine and analyse the requirements for a shipyard to build the XHLS.

7.       apply the rule requirements of a classification society as regards the “local scantlings” for the longitudinal strength members in the midship section of the XHLS

8.       evaluate the production parameters for a number of variants of a construction region of the XHLS in order to make a choice for the optimum solution.

9.       to apply the rule requirements for the hull bending strength of the XHLS (inclusive the evaluation of the design still water bending moment), to determine the required quality of steel (grade) of the components, and to decide on the use of higher tensile strength steel.

10.   apply previously gained knowledge and skills of presentations to make an overview of the results and conclusions of the project, using a poster for each sub-task, and to answer relevant questions.

Computer use: yes

Laboratory project(s): project

Design content: Design an object (FDB) starting with a specification of its task and specifications, and to make relevant choices based upon design calculations and production plus exploitation aspects for a specified object (XHLS)

Percentage of design:  80 %