Coursecode: wb2206
Coursename: System- en Control Engineering 2

Meer info is op: wb2206 - Systeem en Regeltechniek 2

DUT creditpoints: 3
ECTS creditpoints: 5

Subfaculty of Mechanichal Engineering and Marine Technology
Lecturer(s): dr.S.Dijkstra Tel.: 015-2785763
Catalog data:
  • Basic properties of feedback, PID-control, Steady-state errors. Stability
  • Root-locus method
  • Frequecy-response design method, Bode- Nyquist.
Courseyear: 2
Period: 2/4/0/0
Hours p/w: 2/4
Other hours:
Assessment: written multiple choice
Assessm.period(s): 2, 4
(see academic calendar)
Prerequisites: wb2103
Follow up:wb2302, wb2305, wb2400
Detailed description of topics:
  • Basic properties of feedback,. Disturbance rejection, sensitivity, dynamic tracking. The three-term controller: Proportional, Proportional-Integral and Derivative control actions. Steady-state tracking and system type. Stability. Routh's criterion.
  • The root-locus method. Guidelines of a root-locus figure. Selecting gain from a root-locus picture. Dynamic compensation. Extension of the root-locus method.
  • Frequency-response design methods. Frequency-responses. Bode-plot. Stability. The Nyquist stability criterion. Stability margins. The Bode gain-phase relationship. Closed-loop frequency-response. Compensation; PD-compensation, lead compensation, PI compensation, Lag compensation, PID compensation. Nichols chart, Inverse Nyquist. Sensitivity functions and robustness. Time delay.
Course material:
  • G.F.Franklin, J.D.Powell, A.Emami-Naeini ,Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison & Wesley, 1994 ,3rd edition
References from literature:
  • J.C.Cool, F.J.Schijff, T.J.Viersma ,Regeltechniek, Delta Press, 1985, 7-e druk.
  • R.C.Dorf, R.H.Bishop A Modern Control Systems, Addison & Wesley, 1998, 8th edition
  • John van de Vegte "Feedback Control Systems" Prentice Hall, 1994, 3rd edition.
Basic understanding of the control and the design of control systems.
Computer use:
MATLAB examples are shown during the lectures.
Laboratory project(s): none
Design content: Designing control systems and evaluation of performance of the designed systems
Percentage of design: 50 %