Department Man-Machine-Systems Man-Machine-Systems |
Professors: H.G. Stassen, C.A. Grimbergen
Description of the Master Program:
The area of activities of the group is yhe joint activity of developing theoretical tools for system modelling and control, conducting applications and implementation of control designs. Research is carried out in two subject areas, the system identification and the robust multivariable control design. The applications are focussed on two relevant field for the industry, the advanced process control and the electro-mechanical and servo-hydraulic moion control systems. The M.Sc.students get a fix basis of modelling techniques, analysis and synthesis for the wide range of applications such as industrial crystallizers, power systems, flight simulators and mechatronic devices.During the thesis work the theoretic knowledge is applied in one of the research projects. The control engineer is not a narrow minded specialist, but is able to join quite a wide field of positions in the society.The young control engineers leaving the group easily find their way to the various industries.
The purpose of Measurement and Control Engineering is the controlling of systems in the best way possible. For this, a thorough knowledge of systems is needed, for which purpose basic theories are being developed within the section. The theories developed are applied to a wide range of systems, such as complex processes (crystallizers, power stations and control rooms), mechanical systems (flight simulator, robots), but also biological systems (heart, shoulder and arm) and hand prosthesisses and orthesisses. In order to gain sufficient insight into the systems to be controlled, a close cooperation with many other disciplines is indispensable. This field of study aims to provide all students with a thorough knowledge that can be used for the modelling, analysis and synthesis of a wide range of applications. During the completion of one's studies, this basic knowledge is deepened further and made operational in one of the research projects. The graduated control engineer is not narrowed down to one field of specialization, but is employable in a wide-ranging field. Therefore, there is a high demand for engineers with a control engineering background from a wide variety of disciplines in industry, health care and research centres.
Course program:
The control
engineering aspects of the interaction between man and machine are studied. Within this
section, the interactions between operator and industrial complex processes, as well as
the modelling and controlling of biological systems, shoulder and hand are studied.
Moreover, design assignments can be carried out in the field of arm prosthesisses or
orthopaedic instruments (used in the operating room).
Man-machine systems is defined in two directions: Industial Systems (A in tabel)
and Biomedical Instrumentation (B in tabel).
Coursecode | Coursename | Lecture hours |
Cp. |
Remarks |
A | B |
tn311 1) | Systemidentification B | 0/4/0/0/0 |
5 |
- |
V | V |
wb2301 1) | Systemidentification A | 0/0/0/0/4 |
5 |
- |
V | V |
wb2302 | Control theory | 0/0/0/4/0 |
5 |
- |
V | V |
wb2303 | Measurementtheory and praxis | 0/0/0/2/2 |
2 |
- |
V | V |
wb2305 | Digital control | 0/0/0/0/4 |
2 |
- |
V | V |
wb2306 2) | Cybernetical ergonomics | 0/0/0/0/4 |
2 |
(OC) |
K | V |
wb2307 1) | Signalanalysis | 0/0/0/4/0 |
3 |
- |
V | V |
wb2308 | Design 3H: Biomedical engineering design | 2/0/0/0/0 |
3 |
(OC) |
K | V |
wb2404 2) | Man-machine systems | 2/2/0/0/0 |
3 |
- |
V | K |
wb2405 | Modelling 1 | 4/0/0/0/0 |
3 |
- |
V | V |
wb2406 | Modelling 2a, processes | 0/4/0/0/0 | 3 | (OC) | V | K |
wb2407 3) | Human movement control | 0/4/0/0/0 |
3 |
(OC) |
K | V |
wb2408 3) | Physiological systems | 2/2/0/0/0 |
2 |
- |
K | V |
wb2409 | Modelling 2b, mechatronic systems | 0/4/0/0/0 | 3 | (OC) | K | V |
wb2413 | Instrumentation | 0/0/0/2/2 | 2 | (OC) | V | K |
wbp200 | Design exercises | -/-/-/- |
4 |
- |
V | V |
1) choice of wb2301 or wb2403
2) choice of wb2306 or wb2404
3) choice of wb2307 or wb2408
OC=Design/Construction subjects ; V=obligatory subjects ; K= Choice