Coursecode: wb1107
Coursename: Strength of materials

DUT creditpoints: 3
ECTS creditpoints:

Subfaculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology
Lecturer(s): ir. I. Paraschiv Tel.: 015-2786510
Catalog data:
strain, stress, kinematics
Course year: 1
Period: 0/4/0/4/0
Hours p/w: 4
Other hours: 4
Assessment: See Remarks
Assessm.period(s): 2, 3, 4, 6
(see academic calendar)
Prerequisites: VWO, wb1106
Follow up: wb1108
Detailed description of topics:
Statically determinate or indeterminate structures under external loads, temperature changes and pre-stress; strain energy. Torsion of statically determinate structures; transmission of power by shafts; strain energy. Bending, shearing and normal stresses in beams; composite structures. Deflections of statically determinate or indeterminate structures. The elastica or deflection curve; superposition using tables of beam deflections ("vergeet-mij-nietjes").
Course material:
Mechanics of Materials, third SI Edition. J.M. Gere and S.P. Timoshenko, ISBN 0-412-36880-3.
References from literature:
Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):
Examination by computer. For details: see "de studiewijzer"
The object of this course is to give the basic tools for stress, strain and strength analysis, to gain the ability to solve certain types of problems in structural mechanics, and to improve physical understanding of problems of stress and deformation.
Computer use: One weekly computertest of one hour
Laboratory project(s): No laboratory projects
Design content:
Percentage of design: