Course Code: wbtp202 d1

Course Name: Project Heat Exchanger and Gas Boiler

DUT credits:     1.5
ECTS credits:   2.5

Faculty Design, Engineering and Production

Lecturer(s): Dijkstra, Dr. S., Bout, Ir. G.

Tel.: +31 15 278 1556

Catalog data:


Course year: 2
Hours p/w:
Other hours:
Assessment: report; presentation
(see calendar)

Prerequisites: wb1123

Follow up: wb1220, wb1224

Detailed description of topics:
Project tasks will be accomplished by groups of 4 students.

Heat flow in a simple heat exchanger has to be studied. Measurements have to be set up to determine the capacity, efficiency  and other relevant properties of a gas boiler and heat exchanger. The results have to be compared to theoretical predictions. Findings must be reported and presented.

Course material:

  • Fox, R.W., McDonald, A.T.: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. 1994

  • Holman, J.P.: Heat transfer. (7th edition)

  • Gasunie N.V.: Physical Properties of Natural Gas. 1988

  • Lagendijk, E.: Onzekerheidsanalyse. Chapter AI3 from Handleiding Natuurkundig Practicum, TUD dictaat, TN 191.

References from literature: in project task description.

Remarks (specific information about assessment, entry requirements, etc.):


  • ability to apply theory of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer to simple energy conversion and heat transfer processes

  • ability to design an experimental set-up for determining the efficiency of a gas boiler and a heat exchanger

  • ability to measure temperatures and flows

  • ability to calibtrate measuring equipment and to determine the accuracy of the experimental results

  • ability to validate theoretical models by means of experiments

  • ability to operate in a team, to manage a simple project and to report and present the results

Computer use:
. reporting, information acquisition through the Internet

Laboratory project(s): measurements on a heat exchanger and gas boiler

Design content: design of experimental calibration and measuring set-ups, including instrumentation

Percentage of design: 15 %