laatst gewijzigd:15/08/2001

Vakcode: mt517

Vaknaam: Geometrie en stabiliteit

Het betreft een practicum

TUD studiepunten: 1,5

ECTS studiepunten: 2,25

Subfaculteit der Werktuigbouwkunde en Maritieme Techniek

Docent(en): Keuning, J.A.

Tel.:  015-27 81879


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Cursusjaar: 2


Periode: 1A


Coll.uren p/w:


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Uitgebreide beschrijving van het onderwerp:

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Referenties vanuit de literatuur:

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Opmerkingen (specifieke informatie over tentaminering, toelatingseisen, etc.):

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  • Set-up and manipulation of a (good) linesplan

  • Determine all the hydrostatic charactristics

  • Calculate the transverse stability of floating structures at all angles of heel and longitudinal at small angles of trim
    Determine and analyse the influence of hullform parameters on the stability curves

  • Determine and analyse the static and dynamic equilibrium conditions of floating structures

  • Understand the influence of forward speed and seastate on transverse stability

  • Understand and determine the influence of special condtions such as grounding, free surfaces, cargo shifts, wind, high speed turning, icing, green water and stability in extreme situations

  • Understand the rationale behind some of the rules and regulations in design

  • Determine the stability and equilibrium in flooded condition

  • Understand and apply the watertight subdivision of ships

  • Understand the influence of dynamics on static stability considerations and safety

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Percentage ontwerponderwijs:  .. %