Coursecode: mt 214P
Coursename: exercise marine engineering 1

DUT creditpoints: 1
ECTS creditpoints: 2

Faculty Design, Engineering and Production
Faculty Information Technology and Systems
Lecturer(s): Niet, ing. H. de, Woudstra, ir. J.B. Tel.: 015-278 5542 / 5793
Catalog data:
brake mean effective pressure, mean indicated pressure, specific fuel and air consumption, indicated and brake power, heat balance. self induction, cosinusphi, direct current motor, asynchronous wound cage motor.
Course year: 2
Period: 0/x/0/0/0
Hours p/w: -
Other hours:
Assessment: report
(see academic calendar)
Prerequisites: mt214
Follow up:
Detailed description of topics:
Three hours instruction as a preparation for the exercises with the diesel engine and four hours for measurements. Measurement on a diesel engine of temperatures, pressures, flows necessary for calculating the brake and indicated powers, (specific) fuel and air consumption, heat balance, thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency of engine and turbocharger. Measurements are done according propeller law, constant speed operation and maximum toque limit. As a preparation for the electrical measurements some questions about theory have to be answered. Measurements take two times 4 hours. Measurements on a self induction, direct current motor, asynchronous wound cage motor. The exercises are an obligatory part for course mt214.
Course material: exercise manual
References from literature:
Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):
Understanding diesel engine and electrical motor characteristics, understanding measurement and data acquisition techniques
Computer use:
data acquisition and data manipulation
Laboratory project(s):
Design content:
Percentage of design: 0%