Coursecode:  wb5413B
Analysis & improvement of industrial processes

DUT creditpoints:     2
ECTS creditpoints:   3

Subfaculty of  Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Sopers Ir.F.P.M., Veeke Ir.H., Meijer Ir.B.R.

Tel.:  015-2785343

Catalogue data:
System theory, TAO, the two way model, modelling, production organisation, production structures, quantitative models, discrete process simulation, processanalysis and design, thinking in aspects and strata.

Course year: 4
Hours p/w:
Other hours:
course end.
(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: wb5413

Follow up:

Detailed description of topics:

q      Introduction of the two way model with organically structures (TAO-thinking, strata and aspects).

q      The “safe flight charter” case.

q      Introduction discrete simulation and working with TOMAS.

q      Analysis and simulation of processes.

q      Analysis and simulation of projects.

q      Analysis and solving of logistic problems.

q      Testcase of a complex organisational problem.

Course material:
Syllabus wb5413B and TOMAS via Internet.

References from literature:
O’Reilly, “Delphi in a nutshell”, 2000,ISBN 1-56592-659-5

Remarks (specific information about assessment, entry requirements, etc.):

Learning analysis, experimentation and solving of real complex multi aspect organisation problems. 

Computer use:
Programming in Delphi and Windows.

Laboratory project(s):

Design content:
The main subject is analysis, solving and design of processes with computers.

Percentage of design: 100%