Coursecode: wb3407B Coursename: Logistics: Systems design and software engineering. Course expired DUT creditpoints: 2,5 |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology. |
Lecturer(s): Evers, J.J.M. |
Tel.: 015-2784106 |
Catalog data: |
3 |
Prerequisites: |
Follow up: wb3407E. |
Detailed description of topics: Analysis, design, implementation of a logistic control system. Design proces; function model, datamodel, operations model, user/system-interface, process model. Computer implementation, object-oriented programming. Case studies. |
Course material:
References from literature: D.A. Marca and C.L. McGowan. SADT, Structural Analysis and Design Technique. |
Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.): |
Goals: Structural analysis and design of logistic control systems. |
Computer use: |
Laboratory project(s): |
Design content: |
Percentage of design: 50% |