last modified: 04/12/2002

Course code: wb3415

Course name: Simulation of Transport systems with ADAMS

This concerns a Instruction

DUT credit points: 1

ECTS credit points: 1,5

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Section of Transport Technology

Lecturer(s): Verheul, ir. C.H.

Tel.:  015 - 27 82889 /      

Catalog data:

Mechanical systems, dynamics, kinematics, statics, Multi body systems, transport systems, crane dynamics, design process, virtual prototyping

Course year:

MSc 2nd year


1A / 2A

Hours per week:


Other hours:



Computer test

Assessment period:

1A, 2A

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites (course codes):


Follow up (course codes):


Detailed description of topics:

The instruction consists of a 5-day course in a block of 2 and a block of 3 complete days in the period of two weeks consecutive weeks.


During the instruction, students are taught to be able to independently use a high-end multi body modelling and simulation software in a complex mechanical dynamics project. To educate the engineering task of professionally using a multi body programme, a selection of transport technical systems and problems are modelled and investigated.


Examples of mechanical systems and problems that will be modelled and analysed are:

 - Linkage mechanisms,

 - Kinematics and dynamics of crane systems,

 - Cable systems in transport equipment,

 - Conveyor belt systems.


The level and contents of the course are equivalent to an ADAMS user course supplied to industrial customers.

Course material:

  • MSC.ADAMS Starters Course Manual  (MSC Software)

References from literature:

  • “Cranes, design, practice and maintenance”; Ing. J.Verschoof; ISBN 1-86058 130 7

Remarks assessment, entry requirements, etc.:

A basic understanding of the dynamics of systems consisting of moving rigid bodies (Multi Body System Dynamics) is assumed.


Assessment is performed by observation of the ability to independently use the ADAMS software for a given complicated dynamics task ate the end of the 5 day course.

Learning goals:

Gaining sufficient knowledge of (the use of) numerical methods and dynamical and mathematical consequences of modelling a mechanical system to enable independent use a multi body simulation software (with application in MSC.ADAMS) to perform a complex dynamics task.

Computer use:

The course is performed on computers and consists of 40 % instructions and 60 % hands­-on use of simulation software on computers.

Laboratory project(s):


Design content:

The student must be able to translate mechanical systems into a functional system of multibody components

Percentage of design:  25%