laatst gewijzigd 15/07/2003

Vakcode: mtp201

Vaknaam: Project 2-1 Productie (Werf in Beeld)



Het betreft een project

ECTS studiepunten: 5,5

Faculteit der  Werktuigbouwkunde en Maritieme Techniek

Docent(en): ir. C Dirkse

Tel.:  015-27 84057


Scheepsbouw, scheepswerf, (project)planning, management, werkvoorbereiding, CAD/CAE/CAM, lassen, robotisering, assemblage, (pre)-outfitting, transport, kosten- en liquiditeitsbewaking, conserveren, investeringsanalyse, onderhandelen, sectiebouw, energieverbruik.



Coll.uren p/w:

Andere uren:



(zie jaarindeling)

BSc 2e jaar






Voorkennis:  mt702, mtp104

Wordt vervolgd door:

Uitgebreide beschrijving van het onderwerp / leerdoelen:

  • Understand, explain, recognize and apply the principles and parameters of the various electrical arc-welding processes in shipbuilding and their tools.

  • Understand, explain and apply the preparation of production information of steel construction in shipbuilding by CAE, using the Nupas/Cadmatic software.

  • Understand, explain and apply the principles of assembly processes and heavy transport in shipbuilding.

  • Understand, explain and apply the principles of (pre)-outfitting of ships.

  • Understand, explain and apply the principles of the finishing of ships, i.e. conservation, trials, transfer of ownership, legal documents, certification, guarantee, etc.

  • Understand, apply and interpret rules of thumb in shipbuilding practice as regards weights, cost, energy, time, material waste, etc,

  • Understand, apply, model (simply) and evaluate the impact of automation (CAM) and robotization on the shipbuilding process and its logistics.

  • Understand and apply the fundamentals of economic theory (supply and demand, pricing and monetary fundamentals, global economic flows, etc.) to practical situations.

  • Understand and interpret the financial impact of an investment in terms of (discounted) cashflow, pay-back time, IRR, NPV, etc.

  • Identify and understand the risks facing a maritime company.

  • Understand and interpret the factors in changing economic situations and interpret corresponding scenarios for maritime companies.

  • Understand and explain the various dimensions of project management.

  • Understand the process of group dynamics, virtuous or vicious circles, basic organisational behaviour and factors influencing performance.

  • Understand and interpret a negotiation situation in terms of issues, standpoints of both sides, acceptance/rejection criteria, conflicts, etc.

  • Understand and structure a negotiation process to bring all matters on the table and apply this in practical circumstances

  • Apply project management principles to multi-disciplinary tasks

College materiaal:

Projectbeschrijving (Internet: BlackBoard), Reader met alle relevante project documentatie

Referenties vanuit de literatuur:

Opmerkingen (specifieke informatie over tentaminering, toelatingseisen, etc.):


Kennisname en toepassing van bouwprocessen op scheepswerven, door simulatie van de bouw van een schip, inclusief management- en financieel/economische aspecten

Computer gebruik:

Windows, Explorer, e-mail, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, BlackBoard

Practicum: geen

Ontwerp component:

Percentage ontwerponderwijs: