last modified 12/02/2003

Coursecode: mt213
Coursename: Marine Engineering C

ECTS creditpoints:

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Grimmelius, ir. ing. H.T.

Tel.: +31 15 27 82746

Catalog data:
Maintenance concepts. Relation with Life Cycle Costs. Reliability. Availability. Event & Fault tree analysis.

Condition Monitoring.

Course year: MSc 1st year
Period: 1B
Hours p/w: 2
Other hours: -
Assessm.period(s): 2, 3
(see academic

Prerequisites: mt215, mtp204, mtp301, wi3012mt

Follow up: -

Detailed description of topics:



  1. Maintenance as part of the ship's life cycle.
  2. Maintenance cost evaluation.
  3. Risk based maintenance.

Reliability and availability:

  1. Failure mode and effect analysis.
  2. Failure rate and fault distributions.
  3. Make a graphic estimate of a Weibull fault distributions.
  4. Reliability and maintainability.
  5. Calculation of availability.
  6. Event trees & fault trees: operational approach to systems.
  7. Fault & event tree analysis.

Condition Monitoring:

  1. Concept of (intelligent) Condition Monitoring.
  2. Some techniques for intelligent condition monitoring.
  3. Condition monitoring of diesel engines.

Course material:
Klein Woud, K.:”Maritieme Werktuigkunde IV”, TU-Delft, 1999.

Selected papers.

References from literature:

Vučinić, B.: "MA-CAD, Maintenance Concept Adjustment and Design", PhD thesis Delft University of Technology, ISBN 90-370-0112-2, Delft, 1997.

Remarks (specific information about assessment, entry requirements, etc.):


The student must be able to:

Explain the different maintenance concepts: preventive, corrective, condition based.

·     Explain the impact of different maintenance concepts on a ship's Life Cycle Costs.

·     Explain the difference between an fault tree and an event tree.

  • Perform a fault and event tree analysis.
  • Perform and interpret a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.
  • Calculate reliability and availability from simple failure rate distributions.
  • Use and interpret Weibull distribution applied to failure rates.
  • Explain several suitable techniques for conditions monitoring of diesel engines.
  • Interpret condition monitoring concepts.

Computer use: -

Laboratory project(s): -

Design content: System lay-out optimisation with regard to maintenance and reliability

Percentage of design: 10 %