last modified 28/01/2004

Coursecode: mk6010mt

Coursename: Materials Science 1

More information: BLACKBOARD

ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of  Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Janssen, dr. G.C.A.M.

Tel.:  015-27 81684

Catalogue data:

Materials, Steel, Aluminium, Fiber reinforced composites, Properties, Chemical composition, Heat treatments, Selection of construction material.

Course year:

BSc 1st year



Hours per week:


Other hours:

4 (exp)




2A, 2B

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites: mt804

Follow up: mt802

Detailed description of topics:

Introduction, Selection of construction material, Chrystal Structure, Imperfections in chrystal structure, Diffusion, Physical and Mechanical properties, Dislocations and strengthening, Fracture, Fatigue, Phase diagram for Iron-Carbon, Phase transformations, Heat treatment, Steel production process, Steel and Aluminium types, Corrosion, Composites.

Course material: Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction. 6th edition, by W.D. Callister Jr. Publ.: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN: 0-471-22471-5

References from literature: none

Remarks (assessment, entry requirements, etc.): written examination (open book)

Learning goals: to be able to:

  • Define, explain and apply physical and mechanical properties (weight, strength, elasticity, strain, yield, contraction, expansion, conduction, corrosiveness, fatigue, cracking etc)
  • Distinguish between construction materials (steels, aluminium, composites) on the basis of their main characteristics (density, strength, elasticity, price, corrosiveness etc) and apply methods for choosing between the different types and variants of these materials.
  • Understand the impact of chemical composition, steel production process and crystal structure upon the mechanical properties for high tensile steel, corrosion resistant steel, TMCP, steel for low temperatures etc.
  • Understand the impact of load and environment (salt, heat, etc) on the material properties,
  • Understand the steel production process,
  • Understand the impact of fabrication processes (bending, pressing, welding  etc) on the changes of mechanical properties in view of strength, hardness, fatigue, brittle fracture etc.
  • Understand the main aspects of aluminium related to its production process, chemical composition, welding etc.
  • Distinguish between different kinds of matrix and reinforcement materials in view of aspects like price, strength, modulus of elasticity, applicability etc, and calculate the mechanical properties of composites using the rule of mixtures.

Computer use: none

Laboratory project(s): 4 hours

Design content: Introduction to properties of metals (steel, aluminium) and composites and their  suitability for different circumstances.

Percentage of design:  50 %