last modified 12/02/2003

Coursecode: wb1440
Coursename: Engineering Optimization: concept and applications

This concerns a course and exercises
ECTS creditpoints:

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Keulen, A. van

Tel.: 015-27 86515

Catalog data:

Course year: 
Hours p/w:
Other hours: 
(see academic calendar)

MSc 1st year
1A / 1B
2 hours exercise

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of mechanical engineering and mathematics

Follow up: wb1441

Detailed description of topics:

  • Formulation of optimization problems
  • Typical characteristics of optimization problems
  • Minimization without constraints
  • Constrained minimization
  • Simple optimization algorithms
  • Discrete design variables
  • Approximation concepts
  • Sensitivity analysis

Course material: P.Y. Papalambros et al. Principles of Optimal Design: Modelling and Computation.

References from literature: R.T. Haftka and Z. Gürdal: Elements of Structural Optimization.

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

Learning goals:
The course targets at a first introduction to engineering optimization. The student will gain basic knowledge of the formulation of optimization problems and techniques for solving these problems.

Computer use: MATLAB is used for exercises.

Laboratory project(s): MATLAB projects have to be carried out.

Design content: The course is focusing on design optimization.

Percentage of design: 80%