last updated 13/02/2003

Coursecode: wb2416

Coursename: Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control


ECTS creditpoints: 6

 Faculty of  Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

 Lecturer(s): Scherer, prof.dr. C.W.

 Tel.:  015-27 85899

 Catalog data:

·       Semi-definite programming (linear matrix inequalities)

·       Time-varying and non-linear uncertainties

·       Robust stability and nominal/robust performance analysis

·       Integral quadratic constraints

·       LMI controller synthesis

·       Linear parametrically-varying systems

Course year: MSc 1st year

Period: 1A

Hours p/w: 4

Other hours:

Assessment: Paper and computer exercises


(see academic calendar)

 Prerequisites: wb2420, wb2421, wb2415

 Follow up:

 Detailed description of topics:

·       Brief introduction to optimization theory (convexity, interior point methods)

·       Robust stability tests for time-varying parametric and non-linear uncertainties

·       Integral quadratic constraints as a general paradigm for robustness analysis

·       Nominal performance analysis for various criteria

·       Extensions to robust performance analysis

·       From analysis in terms of linear matrix inequalities to controller synthesis: a general procedure

·       Design of robust controllers: state-feedback and output-feedback control

·       Design of multi-objective controllers

·       Linear-parametrically-varying systems and the design of linear parametrically-varying controllers

 Course material: Lecture notes

References from literature:

S.P. Boyd, L. El Ghaoui, E. Feron, and V. Balakrishan, Linear Matrix Inequalities in Systems and Control Theory, SIAM Studies in Applied Mathematics 15, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1994.

 Remarks (specific information about assessment, entry requirements, etc.):


Extension of topics in wb2415 to larger class of uncertainties and more general performance criteria.

Provides theoretical background for knowledgeable use of the Matlab "LMI Control Toolbox".

 Computer use:

Computer exercises with Matlab "LMI Control Toolbox".

 Laboratory project(s):

 Design content:

 Percentage of design: