last modified 17/02/2003

Coursecode: wb3404B
Coursename: Vehicle Dynamics B

ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Vries, ir. E.J.H. de

Tel.: 015-27 81631

Catalog data:
Automobile, truck, motorcycle, airplane landing gear, dynamics, vibrations, handling stability, tyre, modelling, steady-state and dynamic tyre response, complex vehicle modelling.

Course year: MSc 1st year
Semester: 2A / 2B
Hours p/w: 2
Other hours: 4
Assessment: Written assignments
Assessm.period(s): No restriction
(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: wb3404A

Follow up: -

Detailed description of topics:
Complex vehicle modelling (Lagrange). Introduction into tyre behaviour. Tyre cornering characteristics. Effective axle characteristics. Simple 2-wheel car model. Non-linear handling properties. Directional stability. Stability after small and large disturbances. Phase-plane solutions. Separatrices. Theory of cornering and braking/driving behaviour of tyres. Theoretical and experimental modelling. Steady-state and dynamic properties. Response to time-varying steer angle. Brake torgue, wheel load. Application in dynamics of vehicle (sub-)systems: wheel shimmy forced stearing vibrations, cornering and braking (ABS) on uneven road surfaces, motorcycle stability.

Course material:
Lecture notes: Tyres and Vehicle Dynamics (english edition).

References from literature:
Articles in scientific literature.

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

Insight and knowledge in the field of vehicle and tyre dynamics. More specifically: handling and stability and modelling of tyre force and moment generation properties.

Computer use:
Recommended in preparation of assignments.

Laboratory project(s):
Ca. 10 elaborate assignments are to be worked out.

Design content:
Design aspects are not referred to explicitly.

Percentage of design: 0%