last modified 12/02/2003

Coursecode: wb1402A
Coursename: Plates and Shells A

ECTS creditpoints: 4

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Ernst, L.J.

Tel.: 015-27 86519

Catalog data:
Plates, shells, elasticity, applied mechanics, tensor analysis

Course year: MSc 1st year
Semester: 1A / 1B
Hours p/w: 2 / 4
Other hours: 2
Assessment: Oral + assignments
Assessm.period(s): By appointment
(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: wb1409, wb1408

Follow up: wb1402B

Detailed description of topics:
Tensorial description of geometry of surfaces, general nonlinear thin shell theory, simplified shell theories.

Course material:
Lecture notes Platen en Schalen (in Dutch).

References from literature:

  • Y. Basar, W.B. Kratzig, Mechanik der Fluchentragwerke, ISBN 3-528-08685-8.

  • W.T. Koiter, A consistent first approximation in the general theory of thin elastic shells, Proc.I.U.T.A.M.Symp.on the theory of thin elastic shells (Delft, August 1959), North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam (1960).

  • W.T. Koiter, A systematic simplification of the equations in the linear theory of thin shells, Kon.Ned.Academie der Wetenschappen, Proceedings, Series B, 64, No.5, 1961.

  • W.T. Koiter, On the non-linear theory of thin elastic shells, Sept 25, 1965.

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):
Examination by appointment.

To familiarize with the backgrounds of the field of "Plates and Shells" in order to have entrance to the vast literature on the subject.

Computer use:
Not applicable.

Laboratory project(s):

Design content:
Not applicable.

Percentage of design: 0%