last modified:09/04/2002

Coursecode: wb1422ATU

Coursename: Advanced fluid dynamics A

Course expired. See wb1427

DUT creditpoints: 4

ECTS creditpoints: 6

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Delfos, dr. R. / (Nieuwstadt, F.T.M.)

Tel.:  015-27 82963 / (81005)

Catalog data:

Fluid mechanics, Kinematics, Dynamics, Equations of motion, Continuity equation, Stress-Deformation rate relationship, Navier-Stokes equations, Potential theory, Boundary-layer theory, Stokes flow


Course year:




Hours per week:


Other hours:





2, 3, 4

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites: wb1123 , wb1220 , wb1321

Follow up: wb1424ATU, 1424BTU

Detailed description of topics:

In this course the fundamental and mathematical principles of fluid mechanics are treated. Point of departure is the conservation equations for mass and momentum. Based on these equations the equations of motion for a incompressible flow are derived. In order to close the equation of conservation of momentum a relationship must be prescribed between the stress tensor and the deformation-rate tensor leading to the constitutive equation for a Newtonian fluid. The result is known as the Navier-Stokes equations. First these equations are simplified for the case of an inviscid fluid which are known as the Euler equations. The solution of these equations for the case of a irrotational flow leads to a treatment of potential flow theory and the law of Bernoulli. This theory and law are applied to the flow around a sphere and around a cylinder. The flow around a cylinder is two dimensional and it is shown that in this case potential flow theory can be described in terms of complex function theory. This theory is applied to the flow around a cylinder in combination with a line vortex and by means of conformal transformations a relationship is derived with the lift force on a airfoil. In the remaining of the course the full Navier-Stokes equations, i.e. including the viscosity terms, are considered and the Reynolds number is defined. The effect of viscosity is coupled to dissipation of energy and diffusion of vorticity. As example of a very viscous flow, we discuss the Stokes flow in particular the flow around a sphere. For large Reynolds numbers the boundary-layer theory is derived and the Blasius solution for the boundary layer over a flat plate is discussed.

Course material:

Lecture Notes "Stromingsleer Voortgezette Cursus A (wbmt 1422A)", (in Dutch) in downloadable PDF-format. Introduction to Fluid Dynamics by G.K. Batchelor, Cambridge University Press.

More elaborate on the homepage (choose 'info for students').

References from literature:

Introduction to Fluid Dynamics by G.K. Batchelor, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521 09817 3 paperback

Remarks assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

Learning goals:

Introduction in the fundamentals of classical, incompressible fluid mechanics to formed a basis on which can be built in advanced lectures and courses in specific topics of fluid mechanics.

Computer use:

Computers are used for demonstrations of the lecture material during the course on the basis of home-made software and on the basis of the symbolic manipulation program Maple.

Laboratory project(s):

During the lectures some demonstrations are carried out to explain and support the course material. Furthermore during the weekly HomeWork lectures (in English!), examples are treated.

Design content:

This is a fundamental subject which has only indirect relationship with design

Percentage of design:  0 %