last modified 10/06/2003

Coursecode:  wb4304

Coursename: Thermodynamics 3


ECTS creditpoints: 4

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Verkooijen, A.H.M., Infante Ferreira, dr. ir. C. A. (coordinator), Woudstra, ir. N.  and Buijtenen, J.P. van

Tel.:  015-2784894

Catalog data:

Processes in heat engines. Refrigeration and heat pump systems. Psychrometrics. Reacting mixtures and combustion. Phase equilibrium. Rotodynamic machines.


Course year: BSc 3rd year

Period: 2B

Hours p/w: 4

Other hours:

Assessment: written

Assessm.period(s): 2B, August

(see academic calendar)


Follow up:

Detailed description of topics:

1.       Types of thermodynamic cycles. Processes in thermodynamic cycles. The zeroth and first law of thermodynamics. System boundaries. Types of energy systems. Energy classification. Energy balance of steady-flow open system. Closed cycles. Evaluation criteria and efficiencies. Second law of thermodynamics. Work transfer in reversible adiabatic processes. Work transfer in non-adiabatic processes without mechanical friction. Work transfer in adiabatic expansion processes with mechanical friction in steady-flow heat engines. Work transfer in compression processes. Several sources of non-adiabatic process pathes.

2.       Refrigeration and heat pump systems. Vapour-compression refrigeration. Refrigerant properties. Cascade and multistage vapour-compression systems. Absorption refrigeration. Heat pump systems. Gas refrigeration systems. (Chapter 10 of Moran & Shapiro).

Psychrometrics. Introductory psychrometric principles, Conservation of mass and conservation of energy applied to psychrometric systems. Adiabatic-saturation and wet-bulb temperatures. Psychrometric charts. Psychrometric applications. (Chapter 12, sect. 6 up to 10 of Moran & Shapiro).

3.       Combustion process. Energy balance and definition of enthalpies at reference conditions for combustion systems. Adiabatic flame temperature. Introduction on fuel cells (Chapter 13, sect. 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Moran & Shapiro). Introduction to phase equilibrium. Equilibrium between two phases of a pure substance. Equilibrium of multicomponent, multiphase systems (Chapter 14, sect. 1, 5 and 6 of Moran & Shapiro).

4.       Rotodynamic machines. Energy conversion in rotodynamic machines. The axial-flow turbine: working principle; calculation of a turbine stage; degree of reaction, impulse and reaction turbines. The axial flow compressor: working principle; calculation of a compressor stage. Radial machines: pumps and compressors. Performance and performance presentation of rotodynamic machines. Dimensionless coefficients for rotodynamic machines working with incompressible and compressible fluids. Performance characteristics. Fixed guide vanes and pre-whirl. Cavitation phenomena in pumps. Sizing of rotodynamic machines.

Course material:

·         Van Paassen, C.A.A., "Processen in thermische machines", collegedictaat, Faculteit WbMT, TUD, 1994.

·         Moran, M.J. and H.N. Shapiro “Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics”, SI-Version.(3rd Ed., 1998). (Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York) ISBN 0-471-97960-0

·         Van Buijtenen, J.P., "Thermische machines -roterende stromingsmachines", collegedictaat, Faculteit WbMT, TUD, 1994.       

References from literature:

·         Baehr, H. D., "Thermodynamik", 5e ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984.

·         Brodowicz, K. en T. Dyakowski, "Heat pumps", Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford, 1993.

·         Dixon, S.L., "Fluid mechanics of turbomachinery", Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1978.

·         Traupel, W., "Thermische Turbomaschinen", Springer Verlag, 1977.

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

See (in dutch)


The purpose of this course is the application of the theory from the courses Introduction into Thermodynamics (wb1123) and Thermodynamics 2 (wb1224) on practical design cases (e.g. turbines and heat pumps). An introduction into the thermodynamics of combustion processes, fuel cells and multiphase equilibrium.

Computer use:

Laboratory project(s):

Design content:
The proposed method for the identification of the components with a large contribution to the total irreversibility of the system gives a deeper understanding of the consequences of design choices. Further on dimensional aspects and speed of turbo machines are related to performance.

Percentage of design: 30%