last modified 04/06/2003

Coursecode: wb5428
Coursename: Applied Systems Engineering

ECTS creditpoints: 2

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology
Lecturer(s): Dekkers, ir. R.

Tel.: 015-27 83153

Catalog data:
system, sub system, aspect system, input, throughput, output, function, task, black box approximation, process control, feedback control, modeling

Course year: MSc 1st year
Semester: 1A
Hours p/w: 2
Other hours:
Assessment: See remarks
(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: none
Follow up: 
Detailed description of topics:
  • What is systems engineering? What does systems engineering apply to?
    Systems engineering notions : system, element, characterization, relationships, environment, sub and aspect systems, system state, contents and structure, process, behavior, goal/objective, function, task, system, environment, system boundary, system objective, importance of and methods for target specification.
    Black box approximation. Principle of indetermination of a structure, levels of aggregation, zooming in and out.
    Process control, material-, energy-, information-, in- and output-signals, feedforward control, feedback control, suppletion control (output error control)
    Exercise : emergency landing on the moon
  • Notions : system hierarchy of Boulding, Real Life system, model isomorphism, analogy, model typology, model building
    Illustrations : Modeling of a hydraulic system, function and flow diagrams
    Exercise : remote control system, central heating system
  • Projectstructure:

Lectures: four hours in the first two weeks of the semester

  • Case A: practicing skills in using and handling models under direct feedback
  • Case B: applying theory and modeling processes for solving several problems
  • Case C: designing a system model with control loops and making choices with regard to the realization of the functions and control loops
Course material:
  • Prof. ir. J. in't Veld, Analyse van Organisatie Problemen, Stenfert Kroese, 8e druk, 2002
  • Syllabus Wb5100
References from literature:
  • P. Checkland and J. Scholes, Soft Systems Methodology in Action, Wiley, 1990, ISBN 0-471-92768-6
  • C. West Churchman, The systems approach and its enemies, Barie Books, 1979, ISBN 0-465-08342-0
  • G.M. Weinberg, An introduction to general systems thinking, Wiley, 1975, ISBN 0-471-92562-2
Remarks (specific information about assessment, entry requirements, etc.):
  • Multiple choice test: concerns with the basic theory underlying systems engineering (individual)
  • Report: concerns with the analysis and solution of the problems from case B (in groups)
  • Presentation: concerns with the designed system from case C (in groups)
This project is designed to give first basic knowledge in recognizing and defining a process and the principles and functions to control a process in a systems context. Furthermore it has to be an exercise in formulating requirements for a system and to build step by step functions and internal relations into a system model, respectively to develop these into interrelated construction elements
Computer use:
Laboratory project(s):
Design content:
Eighty percent of the project deals with design aspects: defining vital requirements and the approach to develop function elements and the corresponding structure of a system. The use and meaning of models as a design tool is exercised.
Percentage of design: 80%