last modified 21/05/2003

Coursecode: wb1413 
Coursename: Multibody Dynamics B

Checkout the wb1413 home-page for up-to-date information.

Concerns: a Course
ECTS credit points: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Dr.Ir. Arend L. Schwab

Tel.: 015-27 82701

Catalog data:
Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, Multibody System Dynamics, Kinematics, Spatial Systems.

Course year: MSc 1st year
Course language: Dutch (English on request)
2A / 2B
Hours p/w: 2
Other hours: 2
Assessment: Oral Exam
Assessm.period(s): by appointment

Prerequisites: wb1113wb, wb1216, (wb1310).

Follow up: -

Detailed description of topics:
In this course we will cover a systematic approach to the generation and solution of equations of motion for mechanical systems consisting of multiple interconnected rigid bodies, the so-called Multibody Systems. This course differs from 'Advanced Dynamics', which mostly covers theoretical results about classes of idealized systems (e.g. Hamiltonian systems), in that the goal here is to find the motions of relatively realistic models of systems (including, for example, motors, dissipation and contact constraints). Topics covered are:
-Newton-Euler equations of motion for a simple planar system, free body diagrams, constraint equations and constraint forces, uniqueness of the solution.
-Systematic approach for a system of interconnected rigid bodies, virtual power method and Lagrangian multipliers.
-transformation of the equations of motion in terms of generalized
independent coordinates, and lagrange equations.
-Non-holonomic constraints as in rolling without slipping, degrees of freedom and kinematic coordinates.
-Unilateral constraints as in contact problems.
-Numerical integration of the equations of motion, stability and accuracy of the applied methods.
-Numerical integration of a coupled differential and algebraic system of equations (DAE's), Baumgarte stabilisation, projection method and independent coordinates.
-Newton-Euler equations of motion for a rigid three-dimensional body, the need to describe orientation in space, Euler angles, Cardan angles, Euler parameters and Quaternions.
-Equations of motion for flexible multibody systems, introduction to Finite Element Method approach, Linearised equations of motion.

Upon request and if time and ability of the instructor allows, related topics are open for discussion.

Course material: Arend L. Schwab, `Applied Multibody Dynamics', Delft, 2003

References from literature: 

  • A.A.Shabana, ' Dynamics of multibody systems', Wiley, New York, 1998. 
  • E.J.Haug, ' Computer aided kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems, Volume I: Basic methods', Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1989.
  • P.E.Nikravesh, ' Computer-aided analysis of mechanical systems', Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1988.
  • M. Géradin,  A. Cardano, ' Flexible multibody dynamics: A finite element approach', J. Wiley, Chichester, New York, 2001.

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.): There will be weekly assignments and a final project. You have to make a report on these assignments. After handing in the report we make an appointment for the oral exam which is mainly about the assignments. In doing the assignments I strongly encourage you to work together. The exam is individual.

Goals: By the end of the course you will be competent at finding the motions of linked rigid body systems in two and three dimensions including systems with various kinematic constraints (sliding, hinges and rolling, closed kinematic chains). 

Computer use: The course is computer-oriented. In doing the assignments you will be using Matlab, Maple or related computer software.

Laboratory project(s): none.

Design content: none

Percentage of design: 0%