Coursecode: wb2204
Coursename: Control techniques

DUT creditpoints: 3
ECTS creditpoints: 5

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology
Lecturer(s): Dijkstra, dr. Sj. Tel.: 015-2785605
Catalog data:
Dynamic systems, control, feedback, performance criteria, controller design, controller types, root-locus method, frequency responses
Courseyear: 3
Semester: 0/4/0/0/0
Hours p/w: 4
Other hours: 0
Assessment: Written multiple choice
Assessm.period(s): 2, 3
(see academic calendar)
Prerequisites: none
Follow up: wb2302, wb2305, wb2307, wb2303, wb2400, wb2402
Detailed description of topics:
Linearized dynamic models. Transfer functions, Block diagrams. Transient responses and Laplace-transforms. Transfer
function models of physical systems. Mechanical systems. Electrical systems. Thermal systems. Fluid systems. Modelling of feedback systems and controllers. P, PI-, PD- en PID-controllers. Block diagram reduction. Signal flow diagrams. Performance of feedback systems. Sensitivity and disturbance reduction. Transient responses and stability. Steady-state errors. Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Feedback system design. Effects of system zeros. Dynamic compensation. Root-locus method. Rules for plotting the root-locus. System design with root-locus method. Frequency response analysis. Nyquist stability criterion. Polar plot and Nyquist diagram. Bode plot. Gain margin and phase margin. M circles. Frequency response design. Performance criteria in the frequency domain. Nichols chart. Control of open-loop unstable systems. Nonmimimum phase systems. Transport lag effects
Course material:
John van de Vegte "Feedback Control Systems" Prentice Hall, 1994, 3rd edition.
References from literature:

· J.C.Cool, F.J.Schijff, T.J.Viersma ,Regeltechniek, Delta Press, 1985, 7-e druk.

· R.C.Dorf, R.H.Bishop A Modern Control Systems, Addison & Wesley, 1998, 8th edition

· G.F.Franklin, J.D.Powell, A.Emami-Naeini ,Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison & Wesley, 1994 ,3rd edition

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):
The basic concept of control techniques are introduced. Why to control a system, what performance is desired, how can it be achieved. The classical time domain and frequency domain techniques are introduced and made operational
Computer use:
Only as demonstration during the lectures the computer applications are shown with MATLAB/Simulink.
Laboratory project(s):
A computer practicum is used to experience the control techniques.
Design content:
The design demands of a control systems are introduced.
Percentage of design: 30 %