last modified 17/02/2003

Coursecode: wb4280 / (part of ae2-202)
: Aircraft gas turbines /

(part of Airplane Performance and Aircraft gas turbines)

ECTS creditpoints: 2

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Buijtenen, J.P. van, Visser, ir. W.P.J.

Tel.: 015-27 82179

Catalog data:
Propulsion, definition of thrust; ideal Brayton-process, real gas turbine process; turbojet and turbofan, performance calculation; engine types and application; engine components: compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, jet pipe; emissions.

Course year: BSc (LR) 2nd year
Hours per week: 2
Other hours: 4 (practicum)
Assesment: Written
Assessm. period:
(see academic calandar)

Prerequisites: lr18

Follow up: wb4420, wb4421.

Detailed description of topics:

·         Introduction. Historic development. Gas Turbine industry.

·         The process of energy transformation in a propulsion system and the classification of aero engines on the basis there-of.

·         Performance parameters en their definitions.

·         The ideal cycle and the effect of compressor pressure ratio, inlet ram compression and turbine entry temperature on performance.

·         The real process: gas properties, component losses en their effect on performance.

·         Performance of the gasgenerator and the pure jet engine, convergent en convergent-divergent jet pipes.

·         By pass engines with and without mixing, the effect of by-pass ratio and the by-pass pressure ratio on performance.

·         Engine components: compressor, combustion chamber (incl emissions), turbine.

·         Characteristics and control

·         Examples of performance calculations.

Course material:
C.J. Houtman / W.P.J. Visser: Vliegtuiggasturbines, 1999. (See also list of applicable chapters of Gas Turbine Theory, to be issued during the English courses)

References from literature:
Hoofdstukken I-IV van Cohen, H., Rogers, G.F.C., Saravannamuttoo, H.I.H., Gas Turbine Theory, Longman, London, 1984.ISBN 0-582-30539-X

Remarks (Assessment, entry requirements, etc): Tentamen: no books allowed, formula sheet will be made available.

Learning Goals:
The goal is to teach students basic knowledge of the energy transformation process in aircraft gas turbines and the relation between engine configuration and operational demands.

Computer use:

Demonstration of a small twin-shaft gas turbine: starting up and steady state operation,  instrumentation and analysis of measured data. Demonstration of the aerodynamic behaviour of a small three-stage axial compressor. Duration 3-4 hours. No report. Attendance required. Code 4280PR.

Design content:
The course includes design aspects of the thermodynamic process. Some aerodynamic design aspects are covered; mechanical design aspects are only given in a descriptive way.

Percentage of design: 25%