last modified 07/05/2002

Coursecode: wb4411
Coursename: Refrigeration Technology B

Course expired. See wb4427

DUT creditpoints: 2
ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Machielsen, ing. C.H.M.

Tel.: 015-27 85362

Catalog data:
Applications of Refrigeration: Cooling down and freezing of products, thawing processes, equipment, storage of chilled and frozen products, climate control in cold stores, insulation of walls and equipment, safety aspects, liquefied natural gas.

Courseyear: 3, 4
Semester: 2/2/0/0
Hours p/w: 2
Other hours:
Assessm.period(s): By app.
(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: wb4410A

Follow up:

Detailed description of topics:

  • Introduction and course domain.

  • Cooling and freezing of products (temperature profiles, heat extraction, cooling and freezing processing lines, moisture transport).

  • Refrigeration equipment (cooling and freezing tunnels, flat plate freezers, systems for particular products, design methods).

  • Thawing of products (with liquid, gas or steam, radiation, electrical methods or micro waves).

  • Cold storage (building constructions, insulation, doors, transport systems, air circulations and ventilation, controlled atmosphere, refrigeration capacity, humidity, safety aspects).

  • Insulation (demand and properties, humidity and moisture inside walls, constructions for insulation of walls and equipment).

  • Climate control in cold stores (control of temperature and humidity, gas composition, pressure).

  • Liquefied natural gas (processes for liquefaction, storage and applications of LNG).

  • Safety aspects (related to humans, products and the environment).

Course material:

  • Stolk, A. L., Applications of Refrigeration.

References from literature:

  • A.C. Cleland. Food refrigeration processes; analysis, design and simulation. Elsevier Applied Science, London/New York, 1990.

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):


Computer use:

Laboratory project(s):

Design content:

Percentage of design: 50%