laatst gewijzigd 04/06/2003

Vakcode: wb1416

Vaknaam: Numerieke methoden voor dynamica

More information on next page

Het betreft een college

ECTS studiepunten: 3

Faculteit der  Werktuigbouwkunde en Maritieme Techniek

Docent(en): Rixen, D.J.

Tel.:  015-27 81523


Finite Elements, computer methods, numerical solver,

Dynamic analysis


MSc 1e jaar


2A, 2B

Coll.uren p/w:


Andere uren:



Exercices and oral examination


To be arranged

(zie jaarindeling)


Statics and Strength (e.g. wb1204 and wb1309), Dynamics (e.g. wb1308), Linear Algebra (e.g. wi1311wb), Numerical Analysis (e.g. wi2021TU)

Students interested in the course are invited to contact Prof. Daniel J. Rixen


Wordt vervolgd door:  nothing

Uitgebreide beschrijving van het onderwerp:

The course has been designed to discuss the most fundamental concepts underlying the numerical methods applied in Finite Element analysis, with some emphasis on the dynamic analysis of structures. The basic analysis procedure for dynamic systems will be discussed, i.e. computation of free vibration modes, harmonic analysis and time-integration of linear and non-linear Finite Element models. Important concepts specific to dynamic analysis (e.g. mass lumping, structural damping and model reduction) will be reviewed. The most common solution methods will be presented in the light of their mechanical interpretation, including direct and iterative linear solvers and solution methods for eigenvalue problems arising in vibration and stability analysis of very large systems.


§         F.E.  formulation for static and dynamic analysis,

§         Free vibration modes and modal superposition methods

§         Time-integration of discrete systems and model reduction techniques

§         Eigensolvers for real problems

§         Direct and iterative solvers for F.E. models

§         Domain Decomposition methods for parallel computing

§         Exercice with Matlab and Ansys


More information: wb1416sum.htm


College materiaal:

Course notes will be provided

Referenties vanuit de literatuur:

1.       Mechanical Vibrations, Theory and Application to Structural Dynamics, M. Géradin and D. Rixen, Wiley, 1997.

2.       The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, T.J.R. Hughes Prentice-Hall, 1987.

3.       Finite Element Procedures, K.J. Bathe, Prentice-Hall, 1996

4.       Matrix Computation, G.H. Golub and C.F. Van Loan, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

Opmerkingen (specifieke informatie over tentaminering, toelatingseisen, etc.):

The examination will consist in an exercice and in an oral examination on the theory. The students are allowed to consult their notes to prepare the questions. The project exercice will be taken into account for the final marks.


The aim of the lecture is to make students realize the importance of numerical methods in engineering computations and to awaken a sense of curiosity and criticism when using structural engineering codes. Learning the fondamentals of computational procedures for Finite Elements and how they relate to the underlying mechanics will allow them to choose the most efficient and accurate numerical methods.

Computer gebruik:

Some concepts will be illustrated during the course by using computer simulations. The students will use Matlab and ANSYS for their project work.


Ontwerp component:

The students have to perform a structural analysis of a simple but realistic model first using Matlab, then using the capabilities of ANSYS

Percentage ontwerponderwijs:  25 %