last modified: 07/03/2006

Course code: MS4051

Course name: Physics of Materials

This concerns a Course

In the program of  MSc MSE                                         and of 

EC (European Credits): 6 (1 EC concerns a work load of 28 hours)

Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering

Department of MSE

Lecturer 1: Dr. A.J. Böttger

Tel.:  015 - 27 82243 /      

Lecturer 2:      

Lecturer 3:      

Catalog data:

physics of materials, Schrödinger equation, operators, uncertainty relations, transitions, atoms, bonds, metals

Course year:

MSc 1st year

Course language:



In case of Dutch: Please contact the lecturer about an English alternative, whenever needed.


1A / 1B

Hours per week:


Other hours:



Written exam

Assessment period:

1A / 1B

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites (course codes):

Waves (MS4031)

Follow up (course codes):

 Semiconductor Devices & Magnetism (MS3011)

Detailed description of topics:

Introduction quantum mechanics, particle-wave dualism, Schrödinger equation, operators, uncertainty relations, hydrogen atom, chemical bond, free electron theory, Maxwell-Boltzmann and Fermi-Dirac distributions, heat transport.

Course material:

  • "Electrical Properties of Materials", 7th edition, by L. Solymar and D. Walsh (Oxford University Press 2004) + notes.

References from literature:


Remarks assessment, entry requirements, etc.:


Learning goals:

The student is able to understand the basic principles of quantum mechanics and to apply these basics to the physics of materials.


More specifically, the student is able to:

1. set-up and solve the Schödinger equation for simple cases (amongst others for a free particle and a particle in

    a square well)

2. describe the underlying principles that lead to electron configurations (atoms)

3. understand the relation between operators, physical properties and uncertainty relations

4. determine density of states for systems of identical and non-identical particles

5. predict selected properties of metals on the basis of the free electron model (for instance specific heat of

    electrons, Fermi level)

6. describe selected processes on the basis of the free electron model (for instance Schottky effect, thermionic


Computer use:


Laboratory project(s):


Design content: