laatst gewijzigd 26/01/2006

Vakcode: mtp201

Vaknaam: Project 2-1 Productie (Werf in Beeld)



Het betreft een project

ECTS studiepunten: 5,5

Faculteit 3mE

Docent(en): ir. C Dirkse, Drooger, J.C.

Tel.:  015-27 84057


scheepsbouw, planning, doorlooptijd, werkvoorbereiding, sectiebouw, pre-outfitting, robots, liquiditeit en kosten bewaking, energieverbruik, oplevering, onderhandelen, investeringen.



Coll.uren p/w:

Andere uren:



(zie jaarindeling)

BSc 2e jaar






Voorkennis:  mt702, mtp104

Wordt vervolgd door: mt731

Uitgebreide beschrijving van het onderwerp:

College materiaal:

Projectbeschrijving (Blackboard); Informatiemap met alle relevante project documentatie

Referenties vanuit de literatuur:

Opmerkingen (specifieke informatie over tentaminering, toelatingseisen, etc.):

Verplichte excursie


De student kan:

  1. Understand, explain, recognize and apply the principles and parameters of the various electrical arc-welding processes in shipbuilding and their tools.

  2. Understand, explain and apply the principles of assembly processes and heavy transport in shipbuilding.

  3. Understand, explain and apply the principles of (pre)-outfitting of ships.

  4. Understand, explain and apply the principles of the finishing of ships, i.e. conservation, trials, transfer of ownership, legal documents, certification, guarantee, etc.

  5. Understand, apply and interpret rules of thumb in shipbuilding practice as regards weights, cost, energy, time, material waste, etc,

  6. Understand, apply, model (simply) and evaluate the impact of automation (CAM) and robotization on the shipbuilding process and its logistics.

  7. Understand and apply the fundamentals of economic theory (supply and demand, pricing and monetary fundamentals, global economic flows, etc.) to practical situations.

  8. Understand and interpret the financial impact of an investment in terms of (discounted) cashflow, pay-back time, IRR, NPV, etc.

  9. Identify and understand the risks facing a maritime company.

  10. Understand and interpret the factors in changing economic situations and interpret corresponding scenarios for maritime companies.

  11. Understand and explain the various dimensions of project management.

  12. Understand the process of group dynamics, virtuous or vicious circles, basic organisational behaviour and factors influencing performance.

  13. Understand and interpret a negotiation situation in terms of issues, standpoints of both sides, acceptance/rejection criteria, conflicts, etc.

  14. Understand and structure a negotiation process to bring all matters on the table and apply this in practical circumstances

  15. Apply project management principles to multi-disciplinary tasks

Computer gebruik:

MSOffice, internet, e-mail, BlackBoard

Practicum: geen

Ontwerp component: 10%

Percentage ontwerponderwijs: