last modified 23/02/2006

Coursecode: in2046mt

Coursename: Programming in Visual Basic

ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of Information Technology and Systems

Lecturer(s): Nieuwenhuizen, drs. P.R. van

Tel.:  015-27 88036

Catalog data:

Course year:

BSc 2nd year



Hours per week:


Other hours:

4 hours per week programming assignments


written examination


1A, 1B

(see academic calendar)



Follow up:

Detailed description of topics:

Introduction to the visual programming environment of Visual Basic in combination with Microsoft Excel (VBA); forms and controls (visual components: for instance labels, text boxes, buttons, check boxes, list boxes and combo boxes). Object usage. Macros is Excel. Subjects with respect ot the programming language: Event handlers of visual controls (event procedures), procedures and functions, basic data types, variables and constants, assignment statements, control statements and constructs: If-statements, Do-loops, For/Next-loops, Case-statements. Arrays. Copying data from a spreadsheet to variables in Visual Basic and vice versa.

Course material:

Computer Programming Fundamentals with Applications in Visual Basic 6.0, Kerman & Brown, Addison Wesley, 2000, ISBN 0-201-61268-2.

(Programming in Visual Basic 5.0, Bradley & Millspaugh, Mc Graw-Hill, 1998, ISBN 0-256-25941-0 may also be used)

References from literature:

Remarks assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

Ø       It is strongly recommended to follow the courses mt800 and mt827 before performing the programming assignment.

Ø       There is a written examination.

Learning goals:

The student must be able to:

  1. Translate a simple problem formulation into an algorithm

  2. Program a simple algorithm in Visual Basic

  3. Understand the event handling concept

  4. Structure a program using procedures and functions

  5. Understand the exchange of data between Visual Basic and Excel worksheets

  6. Calculation of SWBM

Computer use:

The programming assignment is performed using Microsoft Excel and VBA on a PC.

Laboratory project(s):

The programming assignment needs a total time spending of 40 hours. It leads to the calculation of the still water bending moment of a simple ship.

Design content:

A substantial part of the course is aimed at the design of computer programs.

Percentage of design:  25%