last modified: 23/02/2006

Coursecode: mtp202

Coursename: Project 2-2 Construction

ECTS creditpoints: 4

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Vink. Ir. J.H.

Tel.:  015-27 85923

Catalog data:

·      Ship construction, structural analysis, structural design, classification society, midship section plan, longitudinal strength.

·      Risk, Hazard-Barrier-Target-model, failing, tree-analyses, FTA, FMEA, ETA,

·      Responsibility, responsibility in engineering profession, professional codes,  self regulating, ethical acceptability, liability models.

Course year:

BSc 2nd year



Hours per week:


Other hours:






(see academic calendar)



Follow up:

Detailed description of topics:

The concept of this project is to gain, apply and integrate knowledge in the field of:

1.        Construction and Strength:

Design, evaluate and analyse the structural arrangement for the midship region of a ship hull.

2.        Safety:

Create awareness of risks in the daily practice of the engineering profession and give insight in the tools to identify these risks and to control them.

3.        Ethics:

Learn to recognise, analyse and solve ethical and societal problems related to the engineering profession.

The  knowledge will be applied by offering various practices and cases, in which integration of safety and ethics in maritime technology will be achieved by projecting those practices as close as possible to general and constructive problems which occur in the daily life of the maritime engineer.

Course material:

·       Manual: mtp202: “Op Volle Serkte”: Project description

·       Manual: mtp202: “Op Volle Serkte”: Tasks

·       Manual: Constructie oefeningen (mt082p), Januari 2001: J.C. Drooger, ir. J.H. Vink. Dictatenverkoop van WbMT.

·       Appendices for MT802: Scheepscontructies 1 : SWBM-programma, Beschrijving Nevstruc, Uittreksel uit Rules van Lloyds Register: April 2001. Dictatenverkoop van WbMT.

·       Manual: NUPAS/Cadmatic, als uitgereikt bij mtp201

·       Reader: Inleiding Constructieleer Maritieme Techniek: was MT800 deel 2, Mei 1991.  Dictatenverkoop van WbMT.

·       Reader: Ethiek en Techniek: Syllabus (mtp202), Oktober 2001: S. Roeser. Dictatenverkoop TBM.

·       Reader: Inleiding Algemene Veiligheidskunde (syllabus college VK1), ed. 2000: A.R. Hale e.a.

References from literature: none

Remarks assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

A score of at least 21 credit points of the P-program must be obtained, including the projects mtp101, mtp102, mtp103 en mtp104 and the projectweek, mt020. Besides that, the following first year courses have to be obtained (mark >= 4.5): mt802, mk6010TU, mt804

Learning goals:

The student must be able to:

  1. Interpret the rules of classification societies and to apply them to the construction in a midship section plan, taking into account the local strength and longitudinal bending of the ship hull.

  2. Make a motivated choice in view of the application of higher tensile steel in the longitudinal strength members, and to apply the rules for the required quality of steel,

  3. Make a motivated choice for the structural arrangement in the midship region of the ship, taking into account weight and production aspects for some alternatives,

  4. Draw a midship section plan with help of the NUPAS program,

  5. Calculate the stress levels in the construction as designed using the basic principles of applied mechanics, and to evaluate them.

  6. Recognise and understand the aspects type, gravity and scope of the concept of risk,

  7. Understand the relation between objective and subjective risk,

  8. Understand and recognize the different types of risk related to the phases in the life cycle of technical systems,

  9. Understand the hazard-barrier-target model and coherent techniques, like “problem-solving-cycle”,

  10. Recognise and understand the sources of risk, such as failing of technical systems or failing of interaction between men, machines and their environment,

  11.  Model the risks with help of tree-analysis methods, such as failure-trees (FTA, FMEA) and event trees (ETA), and the so called “butterfly model”,

  12. Recognise and understand problems related to the derivation of quantitative data, the identification of possible sources of data and the inherent relativity of the results.

  13. Recognise the different meanings of the concept responsibility and moral or societal responsibility, and to recognise the different interpretations regarding responsibilities being an engineer,

  14. Understand the possible functions and restrictions of professional codes,

  15. Recognise the barriers which engineers meet in their professional practice in view of moral justification of their decisions,

  16. Think about the question whether self regulation by engineers in view of ethical questions is possible and desirable,

  17. Think about the question to what extent conclusions can be drawn from a risk analysis in view of ethical acceptability of risks,

  18. Paraphrase the four models for distribution of responsibilities within organisations (corporative, hierarchical, collective and individual), to apply them to realistic cases and to describe the pros and cons of these four models

  19. Make a risk analysis with a group of persons,

  20.  Present the results of the risk analysis,

  21. Recognise the ethical problems from the risk analysis and make choices,

  22. Defend their choices made in view of those ethical problems

Computer use: Application of several programs: Nevstruc, SWBM, NUPAS

Laboratory project(s): project

Design content:

Make a structural design for the midship section of a ship, evaluate the scantlings, draw the construction and analyse the stress levels in the construction as designed

Percentage of design:  60 %