Coursecode: wb3404C
Coursename: Experimental signal & modal analysis

Course expired from 2002-2003

DUT creditpoints: 2
ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology
Lecturer(s): A.R. Savkoor Tel.: 015-2785496
Catalog data:
Time and frequency domein, Fourier analysis, sampling, aliasing, FFT, leakage, averaging, estimation of frequency response functions, modal parameter-estimation, choice sensors and actuators.
Course year: 3 or 4
Hours p/w:
Other hours:
Written assignments followed by an oral examination.
(see academic calendar)
Prerequisites: Introductory courses on signal analysis, vibration, dynamics.
Follow up:
Detailed description of topics:
  • 1-2 Design, development and research problems: Dynamics and vibrations of vehicles, analytical and experimental methods of modelling and identification; Time, frequency and spatial aspects; Signal characterisation, time and frequency domains. Fourier analysis, continuous and discrete signals, analysis of mode shapes. Modal decoupling, non-proportional damping, incomplete model.

  • 3-4 Signal processing, excitation and measurement techniques: Sampling and A/D conversion. modelling of noise, aliasing, leakage, windowing, averaging and FFT. Stochastic description, correlation and power spectrum. Test signals. Bandwidth considerations of excitation, response and noise. Choice of actuators and sensors. Estimation of frequency response functions H1, H2 and Hv. Coherence. Excitation and measuement techniques; shakers and transducers; Interpretation: influence of insufficient excitation, non-linearities and noise.

  • 5-6 Characterisation of modal properties: Modelling using continuous or multi-body approximation. Spatial aliasing, MIMO measurements. Modal parameters, eigenfrequencies, modal shapes and damping ratios, modal reduction and approximation of residues. closely spaced modes, criteria expressing confidence of modal analysis, case studies in vehicle engineering applications, whole body and tyre vibrations, demonstration or discussion of an ongoing research project in the Vehicle Research Laboratory.
Course material:
Handouts reader and books mentioned therein.
References from literature:
Books on signals and systems and modal analysis and journal articles on vehicle vibrations/dynamics and testing..
Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):
Oral examination 1-2 weeks after submission of the written assignments (by appointment).
Design and application of modal analysis experiments based on integration of knowledge in signal theory and structural vibrations of vehicle sub-systems and components. Identification, development and validation of models of vehicle components including tires.
Computer use:
Encouraged where applicable
Laboratory project(s):
on vehicle measurements in the Vehicle Research Laboratory.
Design content:
Designing experiments to extract and synthesise information from actuators and sensors.
Percentage of design: Design methodology 20%..