last modified:23/02/2006

Coursecode: wb1113mt

Coursename: Dynamics A

ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Wisse, ir. G.

Tel.:  015-27 82702

Catalog data:

Course year:

BSc 2nd year



Hours per week:


Other hours:





1A, 1B

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites: wb1111mt

Follow up: mt834

Detailed description of topics:

·       Kinematics & kinetics concepts understanding

·       Particle kinematics analysis

·       Particle kinetics analysis

·       System of particles kinetic analysis

·       Rigid body plane kinematics analysis

·       Rigid body plane kinetics analysis

Course material: Meriam, J.L., Kraige, L.G., Engineering Mechanics, Volume 2, Dynamics, fourth edition, SI version, ISBN 0-471-24167-9.

References from literature:

Remarks assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

Result of non compulsory weekly computer tests can give credit for final mark.

Details about composition of final mark will be given in first lecture.

Learning goals:

The student must be able to:

  1. Understand basic concepts, Newton’s law, units

  2. Analyse and calculate kinematics of particles

  3. Analyse and calculate kinetics of particles

  4. Analyse and calculate kinetics of systems of particles

  5. Analyse and calculate plane kinematics of rigid bodies moving in 2D space

  6. Analyse and calculate plane kinetics of rigid bodies moving in 2D space

Computer use: 1 hr test a week

Laboratory project(s):

Design content:

Percentage of design:  0 %