last modified 02/03/2006

Coursecode: wb1440
Coursename: Engineering Optimization: concept and applications

This concerns a course and exercises
ECTS creditpoints:

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Keulen, A. van

Tel.: 015-27 86515

Catalog data:

Course year: 
Hours p/w:
Other hours: 
(see academic calendar)

MSc 1st year
1A / 1B
2 hours exercise

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of mechanical engineering and mathematics

Follow up: wb1441

Detailed description of topics:

  • Formulation of optimization problems
  • Typical characteristics of optimization problems
  • Minimization without constraints
  • Constrained minimization
  • Simple optimization algorithms
  • Discrete design variables
  • Approximation concepts
  • Sensitivity analysis

Course material: P.Y. Papalambros et al. Principles of Optimal Design: Modelling and Computation.

References from literature: R.T. Haftka and Z. Gürdal: Elements of Structural Optimization.

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

Learning goals:

The student must be able to:

  1. formulate an optimization model for various design problems

  2. identify optimization model properties such as monotonicity, (non-)convexity and (non-) linearity

  3. identify optimization problem properties such as constraint dominance, constraint activity, well boundedness and convexity

  4. apply Monotonicity Analysis to optimization problems using the First Monotonicity Principle

  5. perform the conversion of constrained problems into unconstrained problems using penalty or barrier methods

  6. compute and interpret the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions for constrained optimization problems

  7. describe the complications associated with the use of computational models in optimization

  8. illustrate the use of compact modeling and response surface techniques for dealing with computationally expensive and noisy optimization models

  9. perform design sensitivity analysis using variational, discrete, semi-analytical and finite difference methods

  10. identify a suitable optimization algorithm given a certain optimization problem

  11. perform design optimization using the optimization routines implemented in the Matlab Optimization Toolbox

  12. derive a linearized approximate problem for a given constrained optimization problem, and solve the original problem using a sequence of linear approximations

  13. describe the basic concepts used in structural topology optimization

Computer use: MATLAB is used for exercises.

Laboratory project(s): MATLAB projects have to be carried out.

Design content: The course is focusing on design optimization.

Percentage of design: 80%