last modified: 23/02/2006

Course code: wb2435-03

Course name: Surgical Instruments and Medical Safety

This concerns a Course

ECTS credit points: 2

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Section of Man-Machine Systems

Lecturer(s): Dankelman, mw. prof.dr. J.

Tel.:  015 - 27 85565

Catalog data:

Surgical instruments and their specific requirements. Quality of surgical tools. Advances and disadvantages of minimally invasive surgery (keyhole operations). Possibilities and problems of using robotic systems. Safety issues in the operation room. Task analysis of the surgical process. Training of surgeons.

Course year:

MSc 1st year

Course language:


In case of Dutch: Please contact the lecturer about an English alternative, whenever needed.



Hours per week:


Other hours:



Oral exam

Assessment period:


(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites (course codes):


Follow up (course codes):


Detailed description of topics:

Introduction to surgery, dissect and connect tissue.

Surgical instruments and their specific requirements.

Quality of surgical tools, quality control, sterilization.

Advances and disadvantages of minimally invasive surgery (keyhole operations).

Possibilities and problems of using robotic systems during surgery.

Task analysis of the surgical process.

Training of surgeons, Pelvi- and VR-trainers, on-site training.

Operation rooms, equipment.

Safety issues in the operation room.     

Course material:

  • Lecture notes (in preparation)

References from literature:

  • Human Error in Medicine, 1994,M.S. Bogner, Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey
  • To Err is Human, Building a Safer Health System, Eds L.T. Kohn, J.M. Corrigan, M.S. Donaldson (1999)
  • Operative Manual of Endoscopic Surgery, A. Cuschieri, G. F. Buess, Springer-Verlag,

Remarks assessment, entry requirements, etc.:


Learning goals:

The student must be able to:

  1. formulate the special requirements for surgical instruments

  2. illustrate advantages and disadvantage of minimally invasive surgery (keyhole surgery), sum up the limitations for the surgeon when applying this method

  3. sum up instruments used during minimally invasive surgery

  4. reproduce the problems with the use of electrosurgery / coagulation instruments

  5. formulate criteria that surgical instruments have to fulfill in order to prevent sterelization problems

  6. describe how to evaluate the surgical process, can describe task analyses methods

  7. indicate the problems with quality control of surgical instruments

  8. tell the fields where robotics are used in surgery, indicate the possibilities and limitations of the use of robotics

  9. classify current technology developed to train surgeons outside the operating theater

  10. reproduce design considerations of the operating room

  11. select information from literature related to certain issue and evaluate new developments

  12. discuss safety issues in surgery

Computer use:


Laboratory project(s):


Design content:

Design of surgical instruments and training facilities.

Percentage of design:  10%