last modified: 23/08/2005

Course code: wb5420-05

Course name: Design of production systems

This concerns a Course

In the program of  MSc ME

EC (European Credits): 3 (1 EC concerns a work load of 28 hours)

Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering

Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering

Lecturer 1: Dr. ir. M. Tichem

Tel.:  015 - 27 81603 / 86581

Lecturer 2: Ir. J.J. L. Neve

Lecturer 3: Buiting / Hoogstrate / vd Velde

Catalog data:

Production systems, production automation, production automation technology, production optimization

Course year:

MSc 1st year

Course language:



In case of Dutch: Please contact the lecturer about an English alternative, whenever needed.



Hours per week:


Other hours:



Written exam

Assessment period:

1A / 1B

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites (course codes):


Follow up (course codes):


Detailed description of topics:

The course explains basic principles, methods and technologies, required for designing, optimizing and operating production systems.

More specifically, the following topics are addressed: production and production systems as part of the value ading chain and the supply chain; history and trends in production industry; production automation and automation technology (NC machines, FMS, Industrial Robots); the role of computer and information technology (CAD/CAPP/CAM, CIM); assembly process and systems; flexible production; Design For Assembly; Poka Yoke; quality control; Lean Manufacturing.

Course material:

  • will be provided during the course

References from literature:


Remarks assessment, entry requirements, etc.:


Learning goals:

Gain basic understanding of production systems as part of the value adding chain and the role of (automation) technologies;

Acquire knowledge to design and analyse production systems, including the selection of suitable technologies;

Be able to apply methods for production system optimization.

Computer use:


Laboratory project(s):

case studies as part of the course

Design content:
