last modified: 20/03/2003

Course code: wbp201

Course name: Haptic System Design

This concerns an assignment

ECTS credit points: 4

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Section of Man-Machine Systems

Lecturer(s): J.L.Herder, R.Q. van der Linde e.a.

Tel.:  015 - 27 84713 / 86585

Catalog data:

Haptics, master-slave, control, manipulator, mechanical design, parallel mechanisms, psychophysics

Course year:

MSc 1st year


Hours per week:


Other hours:



Written report

Assessment period:


(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites (course codes):

Admission to MSc phase, wb2306, wb2311, wb3303

Follow up (course codes):

wb2407, wb2308

Detailed description of topics:

In this course, students carry out individual projects which contribute to the realization of a new design for a telerobotics system (master-slave) with force feedback, for instance to be used in (micro)surgery. Students identify their individual assigment themselves. Possible fields include specification of demands, conceptual or dimensional design (for instance the slave unit), kinematics and dynamics of (parallel) mechanisms, modeling (master unit, slave unit, human operator) and control (master-slave), evaluation and psychophysical measurments (to assess the ability of humans to operate the system or to derive design criteria). The FCS Haptic Master is part of the experimental set-up, the slave unit is to be designed in the progress of the course.

Course material:

  • Reader; Blackboard, Website:

References from literature:

  • Depending on individual assignment, Reports from previous students

Remarks assessment, entry requirements, etc.:

The course incorporates a fair amount of self-reliance, and is intended to be Self-Developing in two senses. Firstly, this term emphasizes the responsability of the students to acquire the appropriate knowledge. Secondly, it indicates that students do not execute predefined yearly repetitive projects but rather define and execute small, not previously conducted research or design projects within the framework of the innovative overall project. Thus, the course aims to bridge the gap between regular courses and the graduation project. Meanwhile, the students efforts add up to the completion of a major design project.

Learning goals:

Students will acquaint themselves with defining innovative individual projects within the larger framework of the overall goal, coping with responsability for the project, and planning of their project, as well as acquiring knowledge in the field of haptics system design in general and at least one aspect of it in particular.The subsequent steps to be taken by the student are the following: (1) acquire background knowledge, (2) acquire project-specific knowledge, (3) formulate a well-defined problem statement for their own project considering alotted time, (4) execute the project, (5) write a report, and (6) give a presentation.

Computer use:

Depending on individual project

Laboratory project(s):

Depending on individual project. Could for example be a psychophysical experiment to assess the human sensitivity for a torque applied on the wrist by the master unit.

Design content:

Students will be familiarized with the following aspects, all of which are important for the design of the teleoperation system, of which every student chooses one for an individual assignment: specification of demands, conceptual design, dimensional design, optimization, kinematics, dynamics, parallel mechanisms, control (master-slave), identification, modeling, biomechanics, psychophysics.

Percentage of design:  80%