DeMaMech: EU-Japan Collaboration in Higher Education Student Exchange Program


Offer of Research Topic


Offer from


Keio University


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Group Name

BioRobotics Laboratory

Research Theme

Texture perception by use of tactile sensors incorporated in elastic robot finger skin

Brief Explanation

In our laboratory, research on distributed tactile sensors has been conducted. In this study, a new tactile sensor is developed to detect texture of objects in contact with the sensor. It can be used for estimation of industrial object including human-machine interface and cosmetic products.

Research Steps

1. Literature survey (one month)

2. Developing an artificial robot skin (one month)

3. Experiment of detecting various texture of objects (two months)

4. Analysis of simulation results (one month)


5 months, but can be extended as a 10-month project, by including development of a system for pattern recognition by neural network.

Necessary Background, Knowledge, Skills

Fundamental knowledge about sensors, control and robots.

Further Information

Contact Person

Prof. Takashi Maeno (