DeMaMech: EU-Japan Collaboration in Higher Education Student Exchange Program


Offer of Research Topic


Offer from


Technical University of Denmark


Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management

Group Name

Industrial Management

Research Theme

Requirements to competences in modern production systems 

Brief Explanation

Flexibility is a central demand to medium sized enterprises to be able to participate in the competition. And flexibility makes new demands on the competencies for employees. How do jobs have to be designed and what initiatives can and must be taken in enterprises to develop such competencies? 

Research Steps

1. Literature survey (2-3 month)

2. Enterprise visits (½-1 month)

3. Analysis and report writing (1-1½ month)


5 months, but can be extended as a 10-month project

Necessary Background, Knowledge, Skills

Fundamental knowledge about manufacturing systems.

Production management

If necessary, some references can be specified.

Further Information

Contact Person

Prof. Per Langaa Jensen (