DeMaMech: EU-Japan Collaboration in Higher Education Student Exchange Program


Offer of Research Topic


Offer from


The University of Tokyo


Department of Precision Engineering, School of Engineering

Group Name

Intelligent Systems Division

Research Theme

Modeling of Human Manipulation Skills

Brief Explanation

RoboCup is a competition of football by small robots. The lab has joined Four-legged Robot League since 1999. The target of the research related to RoboCup is to design the strategy of behaviors in a given task. We have developed a simulator. The strategy is generated onto a map by means of dynamic programming.

Research Steps

1. Literature survey (one month)

2. Strengthening the simulator to communicate one another in agents (one month)

3. Develop cooperation strategy in a team of agents (two months)

4. Analysis of the developed strategy and evaluate the effects using the simulator (one month)


5 months, but can be extended as a 10-month project, according to the time of RoboCup which will be held in July, 2006.

Necessary Background, Knowledge, Skills

Fundamental knowledge about robot control, programming on network. Computer programming skills.

If necessary, some references can be specified.

Further Information


Contact Person

Prof. Dr. Tamio Arai (