last modified: 10.04.2001

Coursecode: wb5420

Coursename: Design of Production Systems

DUT creditpoints: 3

ECTS creditpoints: 4,5

Subfaculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Meijer, ir B.R., Neve, ir. J., Tichem, M.

Tel.:  015-27 86876

Catalog data:

CIM, design, process planning, production control & scheduling, systemdesign, referencemodels, manufacturing, assembly, logistics

Course year:




Hours per week:


Other hours:



see remarks


2, 4

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites: wbtp301

Follow up:

Detailed description of topics:
Organization of the manufacturing processes, automation possibilities and integration of activities with the aim of maximizing the effectiveness of these processes. The change and effect of customer orders on product variety and product life cycle imposes new demands on the manufacturing processes, e.g. quality improvement, shorter design lead-times, shorter manufacturing lead-times and reduction of costs. This can be done with the aid of new technology, computer integrated manufacturing which combines the three primary processes (design and process planning, production control and scheduling and the manufacturing process) and integrates them on two area's, the material flow and the information flow. The requirements of each primary process will be treated, the way to integration (by structuring, automation and integration) and how to implement CIM with the aid of system- and reference models.

Course material:

"Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering", Rembold U., Nnaji B.O., Storr A., Addison-Wesley 1994, ISBN 0-201-56541-2

References from literature:

Remarks assessment, entry requirements, etc.):

Assessment is a written open book examination. Laboratory Projects are obligatory for participation in the examination.

Learning goals:

Knowledge of modern flexible manufacturing methods and conditions; being able to recognize and use paradigms of automation technology in factory design

Computer use:

Only during the CAD/CAPP project.

Laboratory project(s):

CAD/CAPP, Assembly analyses.

Design content:

Percentage of design:  50 %