Course code: wbtp301
Course name:
Manufacturing Engineering

DUT credits:     10
ECTS credits:

Sub Faculty of  Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Dr. ir. A.M. Hoogstrate (coordinator)

Tel.:  015-278 6804

Catalogue data:
Bussiness plan, strategic goals and policy, marketing, product structuring, design for assembly, design for production, manufacturing, logistics, factory layout, organizational structures, ethical and social policy, sustainability

Course year: 3
x/x/0/0 or 0/0/x/x
Hours p/w:
approx 10
Other hours:

Assessm. period(s):

(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: wbp524, wb5103, mk6051tu

Follow up: wbtp303

Detailed description of topics:
The main objective is to acquire knowledge and skills, required to completely design a production environment, necessary  to introduce a new product into the market.

Course material:

  • Kals, van Luttervelt, Moulijn, boek Industriële Productie, de vey mestdagh, ISBN 90-6376-058-2

  • Prof. Ir. J. in ’t Veld, Analyse van Organisatie Problemen, Stenfert Kroese, 7e druk 1998, ISBN 90-207-2281-6

  • Readers

  • Dictaat BB1 (deel 1,2,3)

  • Information on internet

References from literature: None at the moment

Remarks (specific information about assessment, entry requirements, etc.):
Entry requirements: finished propaedeutic phase, wbp524 and finished 170% of the curriculum.

More information can be found at :

After the course, the student must be able to integrally design a manufacturing environment along with the required organization, in which the following aspects have to be taken into account:

  • Integrated product and production design;

  • assembly and fabrication processes;

  • sustainability and environmental care;

  • business management and economical aspects;

  • life-cycle;

  • marketing and sale.

The student must have acquired knowledge about technical, organizational and management processes and must have insight in production process on an industrial scale.

Computer use: Very freqently to write reports, make schematics, drawings, simulation activities and retrieval of information and communication with the lecturers.

Laboratory project(s): Major effort is computer-based design and simulation.

Design content: Design of a production environment.

Percentage of design: 100%