Department Marine Engineering
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Marine Diesel Engines

Professor: prof. ir. D. Stapersma
Information: prof. ir. J. Klein Woud

Description of the Master Program:

Marine Diesel Engines is a Master Degree Program with emphasis on the interaction between the components and subsystems that make up the engine (system approach). Also the attention is focussed on the (marine) application of the diesel engine and on the user aspects (maintenance). Although formally connected to the group "Ship Design" there are strong ties with the section "Processes and Energy": as a thermodynamic machine the diesel engine belongs to "Energy Generation and Conversion" and the master degree program in particular is akin to the master programs for "Gas turbines" and "Combustion".

Diesel Engines as a subject for a Master Degree Program covers a wide field, not only because of the wide application of the diesel engine but also because all basic discplines of mechanical engineering, such as constructional and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, materials, design and engineering, control theory, are necessary in an approach to make the diesel engine an environmentally friendly, low maintenance element in mechanical installations.

The final graduation project can be carried out at the Royal Netherlands Naval College where, as a consequence of the cooperation between the DUT and the RNLNC, an up-to-date machinery laboratory is available, also for Delft University students. Also there are often opportunities to do the graduation project at the location of a diesel engine manufacturer working on a real engineering problem.

The Master Degree Program consists of:

Courses and exercises up to a total of 53 credits, to be agreed by the professor and divided into the following categories:

The total package of courses must show a good balance between fundamental courses (20 to 30 credits), applied engineering courses ( 10 to 20 credits) and miscellaneous courses (8 to 15 credits).

Projects up to a total of 54 credits, as follows:

The graduation project can lie in the field of diesel engine research (emissions, simulation techniques, condition monitoring) or be provided by an industrial partner.

Obigatory courses and exercises

Coursecode Coursename



mt212 Marine engineering 3



st310 Thermodynamics of mixtures



wb1420 Multiphase flow and heat transfer



wb4302 Thermodynamic aspects of energyconversion



wb4405 Fuel conversion



wb4408A Diesel engines A



wb4408B Diesel engines B



wb5303 Tribology



Fill up untill minimal 53 creditpoints with optional courses.