last modified: 27/05/2003

Course code: wb2400

Course name: Process Control

This concerns a Course 

ECTS credit points: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Section of Systems and Control Engineering

Lecturer(s): dr.Sj.Dijkstra

Tel.:  015 - 27 85606 /      

Catalog data:

Dynamic control, Real process characteristics,

Common control loops, Linear controllers, nonlinear control elements,multiple-loop systems, cascade control, feedforward control, interaction and decoupling, applications.

Course year:

MSc 1st year


2A / 2B

Hours per week:


Other hours:



Computer test

Assessment period:

, ,

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites (course codes):


Follow up (course codes):


Detailed description of topics:

Feedback of dynamic systems. Stability and loop gain margin. Deadtime as limiting factor in process control. PI-controller tuning, performance index.

Real process characteristics. Valve characteristics, secondary lags, multicapacity systems.

Common control loops: Flow control, dynamic characteristics, flowmeter characteristics;  Pressure regulation, liquid pressure, gas pressure, vapor pressure; Quality control, dynamics of mixing, quality measurements; Temperature control, multiple interacting lags.

Linear controllers, performance criteria, error magnitude, integratde error, statistical error. PID controllers, tuning for set-point changes.

Model-based controllers, Internal Model Control, Model Predictive Control.

Nonlinear controllers. Amplitude-dependa\ent gain. Limit-cycles. Nonlinear dynamics, deadband, velocity limit, on-off control.

Multiple-loop control. Cascade control, secondary and primary loop. Tuning cascade controllers.

Selective control, adaptive control, self tuning control.

Feedforward control. Ratio control systems. Dynamic compensation. Combining feedback and feedforward.

Interaction and decoupling. Relative-Gain Array method, calculation of RGA.

Effects of interacting loops, negative relative gains. Decoupling, rational decouplers. Linear Multivariable systems.

Energy transfer and conversion systems, mass-transfer operations, batch process control examples.

Course material:

  • Copies of the powerpoint sheets are available.
  • The examples for the simulations with explanation are available as hard copy and on Blackboard

References from literature:

  • Shinskey "Process Control Systems" McGraw-Hill, 4th edition, 1996

Remarks assessment, entry requirements, etc.:

The knowledge of basic control techniques is the starting point for this course

Learning goals:

The special features of the control of processes  with the specific characteristics

Computer use:

With MATLAB/SIMULINK a wide range of examples from the process industry are studied

Laboratory project(s):


Design content:

The design of control structures for processes is studied

Percentage of design:  50%


 [EvL1]Make choice: Course, Exercise, Practical, Project, Assignment, Case study