last modified: 13/02/2003

Course code: wb2404

Course name: Man-Machine Syetems

This concerns a Course 

ECTS credit points: 4

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Section of Man-Machine Systems

Lecturer(s): Wieringa, P.A.

Tel.:  015 - 27 85763 / 86400

Catalog data:

Human Operator Models, Operator Supervisory Control, Cognitive Modeling, Task Analsysis, Operator Support Systems, Human Error, Alarm Handling

Course year:

MSc 1st year


1A, 1B

Hours per week:


Other hours:



Oral exam

Assessment period:

1B, 2B

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites (course codes):

wb2310, wb2306

Follow up (course codes):


Detailed description of topics:

The entire spectrum between manual and supervisory control is treated using examples from the litrature, own research results en ongoing work. The student is encouraged to use a system & control engineering approach: the operator is considered to be part of a control loop which is either 1) continuously closed (manual control situations called 'direct control'), 2) quicly changing between open and closed control (intermittent control e.g. car-driving or ship navigation), or 3) mainly open loop control (supervisory control e.g. operators in control rooms).

The course is split into two parts:

A) theoretical and conceptual overview of the specialisation: Conceptual models for human behaviour (Rasmussen, Sheridan, Stassen) and human error (Reason, Swain) and cognitive control (Hollnagel) will be treated. Some classical accidents will be treated from the Human Factors point of view.

B) Analysis and design tools: For the design and analysis of human interaction with (complex) systems it is essential to perform a (Cognitive) Task Analysis (Kirwan, Klein). An operator communicates with a system at different abstraction levels (Rasmussen, Vincente, Lind). A hierarchy of abstraction levels is used to analysis human behaviour and interface design. Alarm handling will be discussed used practical examples.

Each year an excursion will be held to a research centre or industrial plant to show some of the items discussed during this course.

Course material:

  • Reader: Man-Machine Systems, Peter A. Wieringa (Blackboard)

References from literature:

  • T.B. Sheridan, W.R. Rusell: Man-Machine Systems. Information, Control, and Decision Models of Human Performance. Cambridge (MA) MIT, 1974, 452 pp.
  • T.B. Sheridan, Telerobotics, Automation and Human Supervisory Control, Cambridge (MA) MIT, 1992, 393 pp.

Remarks assessment, entry requirements, etc.:

The course takes the system and control engineering approach. Students with a strong focus on information technology without a basic understanding of control loops will have difficulties during the first part of the course.

Learning goals:

Provide an overview of the discipline and learn students to consider not only the technological aspects of system design but also the operational, human factors. This is done by providing fundamental and practical information.

Computer use:


Laboratory project(s):

a short hands-on activity may be considered

Design content:

Concpets and tools for design and evaluation of Interfaces with complex systems are discussed

Percentage of design:  70%


 [EvL1]Make choice: Course, Exercise, Practical, Project, Assignment, Case study