last modified 13/02/2003

Coursecode: wb2306
Coursename: Cybernetical Ergonomics

ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Helm, prof.dr. F.C.T. van der

Tel.: 015-27 85616

Catalog data:
Cybernetical ergonomics, sensory organs, motoric system, fysical load, mental load, human operator control, supervisory control, ergonomic design.

Course year: MSc 1st year
Semester: 2B
Hours p/w: 4
Other hours: -
Assessment: Written
Assessm.period(s): 2B, August
(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: wb2204, wb2202

Follow up: wb2407

Detailed description of topics:
1. Introduction; definition, history and classification of ergonomics.
2. Sensory organs, perception window (frequency, intensity, just noticable difference).
3. Properties of the auditory, visual, tastile and vestibulary system.
4. Properties of sensory organs in relation to ergonomic design.
5. Motoric system: muscles, joints, propriocepsis, human movement control.
6. Human operator models, cross-over model, critical instability system.
7. Human operator models applied to airplane control.
8. Mental load, measurement methods.
9. Fysical load, mechanical and fysiological.
10. Antropometric (human) measures, design strategies.
11. Supervisory control.

Course material:
Reader: Cybernetical ergonomics.

References from literature:

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

Aim of this course is to confront students with human aspects of designing tools and machines. The ergonomics of sensory organs (display, alarms), musculo-skeletal system (exerting forces) and the human being as controller and supervisor.

Computer use:

Laboratory project(s):

Design content:

Percentage of design: